Rarity | Base Stats | Price | Obtained From |
Gold | 1,000/1,100 | 241,000 | Red Son Pack, Gold Booster Pack |
Red Son Strength: Superman and his team gain a 25% DAMAGE BOOST to Basic attacks for each Red Son character on his team. |
Red Son Superman is one of the staple characters in the game. His passive boosts basic attacks by 25%, to a maximum of 75% with two other Red Son characters. He is one of the classic Red Sons, available randomly from the Red Son Pack (which also gives you the possibility of getting Wonder Woman/Red Son, Green Lantern/Red Son, Deathstroke/Red Son, Batman Red Son and Solomon Grundy/Red Son with the possibility of getting any three), which can help form a sturdy and reliable, albeit not very flashy, team.
He can be randomly obtained in Gold Booster Pack as well, but is very rare.
Basic Attacks[]
Basic combo | Damage pattern (% of damage stat) | Total (including Combo Ender) |
Light (Combo Ender) | 2% - 2% - 2% - (3%) | 9% |
Heavy | 4% - 4% - 4% | 12% |
It is strongly recommended using two other Red Sons in addition with Superman for maximum effectiveness; however, his passive is not very noticeable at the later stages of the game, as it is additive and would be overshadowed by gear's boosts. On the other hand, he has the highest combined stats out of all Red Son characters as well as the ability to chain both of his specials from heavy combo. His heavy combo is also smooth and easy to chain.
It's recommended to equip him with basic attack gear such as Overpowered 5-U-93-R or Blade of The War God. Ra's al Ghul's Scimitar is also a good choice for him because of the basic damage boost as well as a bar of power for an early advantage.
Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Superman. Having a card that "counters" Superman does not mean it is always a good choice.
Good With[]
- Other Red Son characters, as stated in Strategy.
- Wonder Woman/Red Son: The duo together create one of the games' most versatile support teams which can greatly buff a third character, Red Son or otherwise.
- Green Lantern/Red Son: Both passives can make both of them a great offensive and defensive warriors. A third Red Son character can empower them even more.
- The Arkham Knight: A damage boost to his basic combo can quickly decimate teams.
- Batman/Prime: Their passives combined can result in a large damage boost.
- Deathstroke/Flashpoint: When combined with Batman/Flashpoint, Deathstroke's Combo Ender can rapidly obliterate the opponent.
- Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz Rebirth: Similar to Deathstroke but without need to combine with other Rebirth characters for her Combo Ender to be devastating, freeing up a character slot for other great options, such as Red Son Wonder Woman mentioned above or a Green Lantern character (see her page for more info) to buff her SP2.
- Superman/New 52: The damage boosts to New 52 Superman's basic attack damage will stack, allowing him to do colossal amounts of damage easily. Red Son Superman is also counted as a Justice League character for the defensive portion of his passive.
- The Flash/Metahuman: His already deadly basic attack centered playstyle can be further empowered when teamed up with Superman.
- Catwoman/Batman Ninja: Her infamous Cat Rage basic attacks become more powerful when Superman is on her team.
- Shazam/New 52: He provides additional boost to Superman's basic damage in addition to giving him increased defense via damage reduction.
Good Against[]
- Zod/Man of Steel, Green Lantern/Red Son, Batman/Dawn of Justice, Wally West/Rebirth, The Flash/Reverse Flash and Superman/Injustice 2: Superman and his teammates can inflict major damage to them without the use of Special Attacks.
- Killer Frost/Prime and Solomon Grundy/Earth 2: Similar to the above, Superman can circumvent their passives.
- Characters and gear that frequently cause Power Drain, such as Catwoman/Batman Ninja, Nightwing/Batman Ninja, Heart of Darkness, etc.: A high boost to basic attacks means that he and his team can function better than most without power.
Countered By[]
- Superman/Godfall: Godfall Superman can reflect Red Son Superman's powerful basic attacks when blocking.
- Batman/Gaslight: The bat swarm DOT makes Superman's basic attack boost effectively useless.
- The Flash/Blackest Night: Superman's high boost to basic damage may tempt players into using a more basic attack centered playstyle, which is counter-intuitive against Black Flash.
- Gingold Soda: The gear heavily dampens the effectiveness of basic attacks and by extension, Superman's passive.
Here are Superman's abilities.
Ability | Classification | Description | Usage |
Flying Punch | First Special | Superman throws out one of his most classic moves to utterly crush his opponent. | Quick Tap |
Man of Steel | Second Special | Superman unleashes a powerful attack which masterfully combines his heat vision, incredible strength, and lightning speed. | Rapid Swipe, Quick Tap |
Kryptonian Smash | Super Move | Bang! Zoom! Superman's unrivaled might is revealed as he devastates his opponent. UNBLOCKABLE. | Tap |
Support Cards and Gear[]
Here are Superman's support cards and gear.
Card | Classification | Description | Cost |
Lois Lane | Health | 10% HEALTH BOOST. | 9,000 |
Son of Krypton | Damage | 10% DAMAGE BOOST. | 12,000 |
Fortress of Solitude | Energy | 10% ENERGY REGENERATION. | 15,000 |
Kryptonian Suit (Kryptonian Battle Suit) | Gear |
12% - 22% MAX HEALTH increase [Superman]: 15% - 25% chance to REFLECT SPECIAL 2 while blocking [EVOLVED] HEAL SELF 15% - 25% on Special 2 |
25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading) |
Glasses (Clark Kent's Glasses) | Gear |
5% - 18% Power Generation increase [Superman] DISABLE enemy's specials: 80% - 100% chance on Special 1 [EVOLVED] 20% - 30% CRIT chance on Special 1 |
25,000 - 1,000, 000 (upgrading) |
These stats are the final damage and health levels at level 50, per Elite rank, with ALL support cards, and without any augmentations. With the 2.13 update, Elite 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Elite 10 damage and health levels are for level 60 characters. Numbers with a * after them may not be accurate, please allow for a discrepancy of '+1/-1' damage or health due to rounding inconsistencies in game code.
Tier | Damage | Health |
Normal | 7,830 | 16,038 |
Elite I | 11,745 | 24,057 |
Elite II | 15,660 | 32,076 |
Elite III | 23,490 | 48,114 |
Elite IV | 27,405 | 57,737 |
Elite V | 31,320 | 64,152 |
Elite VI | 35,235 | 72,171 |
Elite VII | 39,150 | 80,190 |
Elite VIII | 43,065 | 88,209 |
Elite IX | 46,980 | 96,228 |
Elite X | 55,283 | 123,552 |
- Like Doomsday/Prime, when the player controls him, his light combo follows that of Superman/Prime, but when facing him, his combo follows Superman/Regime.
- Red Son Superman is often mistaken to have the "Red Sun" title due to unfamiliarity to the comic as well as Superman's well-known association with the red sun Krypton orbited.
- The name of his special 2, "Man of Steel" is likely a reference to the well-known communist dictator (which the Red Son Superman also is to a degree) Joseph Stalin, whose name when translated to English means "man of steel". Additionally, Red Son Superman's name is actually Clark Stalin, since he was "adopted" by Joseph Stalin.
- Man of Steel used to have a distinction of being possibly the only special with more than 2 hits that never miss hits due to knock outs. Previously, it is possible for the first hit to knock out a character, the second hit to knock out a second character and the third hit will hit the third character. After an update, the second hit would now miss if the first hit knocks out a character, but the third hit would still land even if the second hit knocks out. Harley Quinn/Animated's Hammer Slam has a similar situation, although it deals 4 hits and the last 2 hits are too close together to hit two opponents. Another example of this can be found in Doomsday/Blackest Night's Special 2, which can possibly kill all three enemy characters and still have the fourth hit left over.
- If you activate Red Son Superman's SP2 and don't do the first rapid swipe, it will simply end after the first hit.