Rarity | Base Stats | Price | Obtained From |
Metal | 3,000/2,700 | N/A | Phantom Zone, Nth Metal Pack, Nth Metal Pro Pack, Nth Metal Ultimate Pack, Shazam Celebration Pack |
New 52 Shazam is a Metal character introduced in the 3.2 update. Like his predecessor Shazam/Prime, New 52 Shazam possesses a multitude of powerful buffs at his disposal, ranging from immunities to increased offense. Although he seems weak at first, once evolved, Shazam is an incredible tank and support for his Justice League teammates, with the ability to turn the tide of battle.
Currently, he cannot be unlocked and can only be obtained through the Nth Metal Pack, the Nth Metal Pro Pack, and the Nth Metal Ultimate Pack which can only be bought by using the new currency, Nth Metal, obtained from the new game mode, Phantom Zone and from Online Battles and Survivor Mode as of update 3.2 . He also has a very small chance of being given as a reward upon completion of the Phantom Zone event, however, this will still not unlock him for direct promotions. Additionally, as a Metal character, it takes 25 total copies for him to get to EVII. As such, promoting him would take a long time or a large amount of real money.
Despite his base stats being double that of the best gold cards, that difference becomes less significant once he gains elite levels.
Basic Attacks
Basic Combo | Damage Pattern (% of damage stat) | Total (including Combo Ender) |
Light (Combo Ender) | 2% - 2% - 5% - (7%) | 16% |
Heavy | 5% - 7% | 12% |
Shazam has an unusually powerful Combo Ender, as opposed to the normal 3%.
Powers of the Gods
After reaching less than a quarter of his health, he then automatically tags out (this overrides Chaos, snare, or tag cooldowns), unable to tag back in by conventional means for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, he automatically tags back in (this can occur even during an enemy special), powered up with 6 buffs for 6-21 seconds. He may tag back in early due to Chaos, if Sinestro/Antimatter uses his passive or if his teammates are knocked out during those 30 seconds.
- STUN & LIFEDRAIN immune. However, stun in the middle of special attacks (e.g. Batgirl's SP1, Batman/Batman Ninja's SP2) can still bypass the immunity.
- +Attack: Damage boosted by 10%
- +POWER gen
- Lightning Defense: Upon Shazam's tag in, his opponent is struck by lightning, which deals 3% of his damage stat and staggers them, very similar to Black Adam/New 52's passive. This lightning also has a chance to strike the opponent when they initiate a special or Super Move, interrupting and denying them. This prevents all damage and additional effects from the special (including DOT or heal from gear) but the Tantu Totem will not refund power. It will stagger and interrupt an enemy special even if they were protected by Invulnerability. It does NOT count as Power Drain. Denying a Super Move can cause the game to be glitched, making it impossible to win and forcing players to quit.
- KO immunity: Cannot be KO'ed, any damage can only knock him down to 1 health. At that point, the Tantu Totem will refund power for specials used on him as they cannot do any damage to his 1 hit point. This can be used against him as you can use special attacks over and over until his passive wears off. The Astro-Harness' power shield will still trigger when he is brought down to 1 health.
A single hit that KO'es him from >25% health will not trigger his passive. If a multi-hit special or basic combo were to deal enough damage to lower him below 25% health and then KO him, he will not be KO'ed; he does not tag out instantly and will do so after a special/combo finishes. If he becomes Stunned or Frozen, he will be unable to tag out until it wears off. Like the above, the Tantu Totem can allow specials to be used over and over to stall time if needed.
If he is brought below 25% health by Area Effect damage, his passive won't immediately trigger. When he tags in, if he takes any hit (even a hit that deals no damage) that does not immediately KO him, his passive will trigger.
If New 52 Shazam is already the last character standing on his team, his passive will not be triggered even when his health falls below 25%.
Unlike other passive abilities of similar type, Powers of the Gods runs in real time during a super move, meaning that he can be KO immune at the start of a super move only to lose his Powers during the animation and be knocked out. When his passive timer runs out, there will be an electrical discharge from Shazam's body accompanied by a electrical buzzing noise. These can be heard/seen even in an opponent's super move if Shazam is in view when his passive time ends.
These powers seem weak at first because of the short duration; however, they are incredibly powerful when his passive is upgraded and maxed which can turn the tide of the match, especially the KO immunity. It is recommended to put him in the first slot if players want to use him as a tank to soak up heavy damage right at start of the match (from Batman/Arkham Origins's starting special(s) for example), then return to wreck the enemy team with his Powers of the Gods.
Basic Damage Boost & Damage Reduction
It appears "Justice League" is defined in the same ways as New 52 Wonder Woman's passive does. If a teammate is both New 52 and Justice League (e.g. Superman/New 52, Wonder Woman/New 52), they only receive the effects once. New 52 Shazam himself does NOT benefit from these effects.
The damage reduction is universal (it works against almost any type of damage, including basic, special, and DOT). Theoretically, with his passive maxed, any New 52 or Justice League teammate can gain 101% damage reduction against special attacks (i.e. immune to specials) if they had 3 bars of power, the Batman Ninja Helmet and Killer Croc Companion Card EVOLVED equipped.
Evolved effects
Dark Power Specials steal power from the opposing team, which doubles in amount if a Dark Power SP2 is used. Despite this, it only seems to work on one opponent as opposed to the entire enemy team. If a dark special attack knocks an opponent out, the next one that tags in will have their power stolen. Shazam can gain power from this even if the opponent is immune to power drain (e.g. LexCorp Set 2-piece effect), although the latter will not lose power. The power drain occurs slightly after the special; it is possible for the special to deal no damage due to Invulnerability but still drain power if Invulnerability wears off right after.
After evolving, his passive can be upgraded to increase the duration of his buffs, increase his basic damage boost and damage reduction and steal more power with Dark Power specials.
Shazam benefits the most from Nekron's Scythe, arguably its best user since his KO immunity ensures his survival at very low health, allowing him to steal as much power as possible. In addition, he is very likely to knock out at least one enemy during the KO immunity, triggering its resurrection effect.
Fourth World Set is also a good choice, preferably 2/3 (Mace + Chest Plate) for the resurrection, as well as leaving the last gear slot for another gear (since he mainly uses his SP2 over his SP1 and he is already very durable, the regen effect isn't very necessary on him). The resurrection can protect him from 1-hit nuke special attacks, preventing them from bypassing his passive.
For SP2 focused, Tantu Totem and The Master's Death Cart are great choices as he can chain his SP2 from the Cart's tag-in shot, and his multi-hit SP2 can benefit from the crit chance. He can also return with 2 bars of power after waiting for his Powers of the Gods to trigger, performing a SP2 immediately. Combined with Nekron's Scythe will almost guarantee a resurrection, as well as power steal during his passive.
Killer Croc Companion Card EVOLVED, Batman Ninja Helmet or Gingold Soda can be used to stack Damage reduction, although it's probably better on his Justice League teammates instead since he is already very durable.
Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Shazam. Having a card that "counters" Shazam does not mean it is always a good choice.
Good With
- New 52 & Justice League teammates.
- Batman/Batman Ninja: His damage reduction can stack with Shazam's, making him even tougher to beat.
- Hal Jordan/Red Lantern: With Shazam's passive maxed, if Red Lantern has Batman Ninja Helmet, Gingold Soda, and the Killer Croc Companion Card EVOLVED, he is permanently immune to Basic and Special damage as long as he doesn't spend power.
- Superman/New 52: Similar to the above characters, Shazam can further fortify his defense, even to a greater extent than teaming him up with a single Justice League character. Moreover, Shazam's basic attack damage boost will be greatly beneficial to him as it will further bolster his incredible basic damage potential from his own passive
- Superman/Injustice 2: At higher promotion levels particularly, Shazam's Justice League passive boosts complement Superman's already phenomenal base stats, allowing him to become a tank for both special and basic damage.
- Black Adam/New 52: His very high base health is made even more significant by Shazam's damage reduction and his crazy basic attack combos are made far deadlier with Shazam's basic attack boost. His passive can also help Shazam steal the opponent's power via Dark Specials more frequently.
- Superman/Red Son: Shazam's basic damage increase will stack with Superman's passive, allowing a maxed-passive Shazam with one other Red Son character to achieve Superman's maximum increase of 75%. On top of reaching this without the need for a 3rd Red Son, Shazam further provides a damage reduction to his Justice League teammates, which notably includes Wonder Woman/Red Son for a 30% power generation boost or Green Lantern/Red Son as additional protection for Superman.
- Killer Frost/Prime: Severe power dampening will make it much harder for the enemies to avoid Shazam's passive, as they will not have the desired amount of power to perform a 1-hit special.
- Raven/Prime: The two can form an annoying team of nigh-unavoidable passives.
- Lex Luthor/Krypto and Harley Quinn/Arkham: They can give Shazam a huge boost in health, making it much harder to avoid his passive. This is especially useful in Online Battles, where the health boost doesn't count towards the stats listed on the cards, making the opponents much more likely to face very tanky teams with hidden health.
- Solomon Grundy/Red Son: Same as above, but with 2 Red Son characters instead. The other Red Son teammate could be Green Lantern/Red Son, since his damage reduction against special damage stacks with Shazam's damage reduction.
Good Against
- Sinestro/Antimatter: Sinestro can inevitably force in Shazam while his passive activates, triggering it early to wipe out his adversaries.
- Characters or gears that deal Area Effect: A rather unorthodox situation. If Shazam is tagged out and has 2 other teammates left, and the teammate currently tagged in is then killed by a high-AoE Special Attack, Shazam could tag in with low health which guarantees the activation of his passive. However, if Shazam only has 1 teammate left before this happens, the situation will backfire severely.
- Characters with strong single hit or "concentrated damage on the first or last hit" specials, or multi-hit specials, as his KO immunity prevents it. He can also completely negate the special with his Lightning Defense and the Tantu Totem will not refund the power.
- Raven/Prime: Even if Shazam swaps health with Raven, it will instead trigger his passive, albeit early. If he swaps health with her the second time, the KO immunity will protect him from imminent demise for a limited time.
Countered By
- Sinestro/Antimatter: He can however, force out Shazam while his passive is active, causing it to expire immediately after tag out and prevent him from causing collateral mayhem. This will not work if Shazam is the last opponent standing.
- Characters with strong single hit or "concentrated damage on the first or last hit" specials
- Ares/Prime, Bane/Luchador, and Batman/Batman Ninja, etc.: These characters for example, have very powerful specials that can bypass Shazam's health threshold of 25% or less, therefore negating his passive.
- Static, Lobo/Prime, Hal Jordan/Red Lantern & Batman/Arkham Knight They are immune to Power Steal, rendering his Dark Power specials ineffective. For Batman/Arkham Knight it could be optional.
- Block gears or damage reduction gears such as LexCorp Helmet V2, Gingold Soda, Killer Croc Companion Card EVOLVED, Fourth World Godly Helmet, and etc.: These gears can help you tank Shazam's high damage attacks and wait until his passive expires should it activates.
- The Joker/The Killing Joke & Harley Quinn/Arkham Knight: While Shazam is KO-immune, Supermoves run in real-time and allow you to wait until his passive expires. If Shazam's passive expires during a Supermove, he can be KO'd without sufficient gears.
Here are Shazam's abilities.
Ability | Classification | Description | Usage |
Bolt of Zeus | First Special | Shazam summons and hurls the Bolt of Zeus at his opponent. | Rapid Swipe |
Lightning Vortex | Second Special | Shazam ooos, awes, and pummels the opponent with his electrical flair and God-like strength. | Quick Tap (x2) |
The Power of SHAZAM | Super Move | Shazam charges a powerful lightning punch, sending his opponent into the clouds where he inflicts multiple, powerful blows before flinging them back to the ground. UNBLOCKABLE. | Tap |
Shazam's SP2, Lightning Vortex, can only KO an opponent on the last hit, unless there was already a bleed active on the opponent. If the opponent blocks, however, only the last hit will KO even with a bleed. It can be chained from his heavy combo.
Support Cards and Gear
Here are Shazam's support cards and gear.
Card | Classification | Description | Cost |
Tawny | Health | 10% HEALTH BOOST. | 6,000 |
Jebediah of Canaan | Damage | 10% DAMAGE BOOST. | 8,000 |
Rock of Eternity | Energy | 10% ENERGY REGENERATION. | 10,000 |
White Cloak (Lightning Cloak) | Gear |
8% - 18% POWER GENERATION increase [Shazam] 100% AREA EFFECT: opponent's team takes 10% - 20% damage from on Special 1 [EVOLVED] 15% - 25% STUN chance on Special 2 |
25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading) |
These stats are the final damage and health levels at level 50, per Elite rank, with ALL support cards, and without any augmentations. With the 2.13 update, Elite 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Elite 10 damage and health levels are for level 60 characters. Numbers with a * after them may not be accurate, please allow for a discrepancy of '+1/-1' damage or health due to rounding inconsistencies in game code. Note that Metal characters cannot undergo Breakthrough.
Tier | Damage | Health |
Normal | 23,490 | 39,366 |
Elite I | 28,188 | 47,239 |
Elite II | 35,235 | 59,049 |
Elite III | 51,443 | 86,212 |
Elite IV | 56,611 | 94,872 |
Elite V | 63,423 | 106,288 |
Elite VI | 72,349 | 121,247 |
Elite VII | 83,859 | 140,537 |
- He has the highest base damage and combined base stats in the entire game. All other Metal characters have 5600 combined base states while he has 5700.
- He looks quite similar to Shazam/Prime, but there are two points that particularly differentiate them: Shazam Prime's chest lightning bolt is larger and reaches his belt, and lacks the circular "clasps" of the cape on his shoulders that New 52 Shazam has.
- Shazam/New 52 and Black Adam/New 52 are currently the only Nth Metal characters to be based on a console skin.
- His passive icon appears beneath his health bar when his passive is active, but unlike most characters, tapping the icon does not display the text of the effect.
- A rare glitch may occur if his opponent uses a Super Move right as his passive triggers and before he could tag out: Shazam would become invisible but still able to attack briefly before tagging out. However, when he tags back in, he remains invisible but never attacks and cannot be hit by most attacks. Using another Super Move would be able to KO him and the match can continue normally.