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Injustice Mobile Wiki

Killer Frost is regenerating her health using Fourth World Set

Character continuously recovers health over time.



Characters gain some percentages of their max health every second. Killer Frost/Regime and Scarecrow's Ventilator Mask doesn’t affect regenerate. Batman/Flashpoint's specials can disable regenerate, however. Heal Suppression modifier in Survivor Mode will also reduce amount of recovered health. Regenerate can work on tag-out, even from gears.

Prison Superman regen

Superman/Prison is regenerating his health

Superman/Prison's passive has unique regenerate mechanic. He won't gain heal and the regenerate's timer keeps running on tag-out. He also restores health much faster, his health is rapidly restored, not as a "tick" per second like the other.

If the gears that provide regenerate are disabled, the current regeneration will stop. Gear Set effects, including Fourth World Set's regenerate will stop if one of the piece is disabled.

It ignores Armor. Superman/Blackest Night's necrotic damage will cap the max health than can be restored, but doesn't affect calculation of amount of restored health. Hal Jordan/Red Lantern can't be healed at all except by Resurrect.

Do not confuse with The Flash/Blackest Night's passive which gains health on DOT. He is healed by the amount of DOT damage, therefore, it depends on the DOT mechanics unlike normal regenerate.

During matches with Regeneration modifier, enemy regenerates will stack with the modifier.

