Ra's al Ghul's Scimitar is a piece of Legendary (5-Star) Gear, evolved from the Epic (4-Star) gear, Ra's al Ghul's Dagger. The unevolved version can be obtained as a possible reward from the Gear Locker, Nth Metal Pro Pack, Nth Metal Ultimate Pack, Worst Heroes Ever Bundle, or the The Dawn of Justice Triple Pack.
The unevolved version can also be obtained by buying Gear Lockers with a 1% chance per slot, making it the only legendary gear that is obtained outside of Online Battle or Survivor Mode, before area 8 in Standard Battle is released, the second-to-last battle of which awards Gloves of Azrael for its first completion. Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar was the first piece of 5-star gear made available.
- 30% - 50% DAMAGE BOOST to basic attacks
- 100% Power Drain 1% - 11% on Combo Ender
- [EVOLVED] 1 Bar of Starting Power (Max 2 Bars)

Power drain on combo ender
Power Drain[]
Combo enders can only drain power on the last hit as opposed to draining power per hit, with the exception of Deadshot/Suicide Squad, who power drains on both the second and third hit of his combo ender. The Flash/Metahuman cannot apply the power drain at all normally, only during his passive, which causes his combo ender to hit 3 times instead of 1, and the power drain would be applied on the last hit.
Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar cannot power drain characters with immunity-to-power drain passives (such as Lobo/Prime, Static, Hal Jordan/Red Lantern, and Batman/Arkham Knight with the power drain immunity buff), or gears, such as the LexCorp Set, despite that the animation still plays.
It also cannot drain power if enemies receive 0 damage due to basic attack Damage reduction. It can stack with the power drain effect of Overpowered 5-U-93-R, and passives that apply power drain on combo enders such as Black Adam/Kahndaq or Aquaman/Flashpoint.
Starting Power[]
User gains one bar of power at start of the match, similar to Batgirl/Prime's passive.
"Max 2 bars" means it is not possible to start out a match with more than 2 bars. This does not mean you could evolve it to provide more than 1 bar of starting power. This only affects Batman/Arkham Origins, who normally starts with 2 bars due to his passive, and thus will not benefit from the scimitar's effect. However, Batman/Arkham Knight's passive allows him to immediately gain 2 bars of power upon starting a match, and is unaffected by this cap, thus he can start the battle with 3 bars of power instead.
Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar is the first legendary gear ever in the game and has since been surpassed in popularity. The Tantu Totem gives 1 bar of power for every tag in and more, while the Overpowered 5-U-93-R gives a stronger power drain effect on Combo Ender. Nevertheless, it is still a powerful gear that can empower any character.
Certain characters are encouraged to use their light basic combo due to their passives, and this gear can be placed effectively on those characters (namely Green Arrow/Arrow and Darkseid/Apokolips; Martian Manhunter/Prime actually being an exception, as one of his effects does not count as a hit at all, and the other two hits/effects not utilizing the damage boost very well). Deadshot/Suicide Squad can apply power drain effect twice, making him a great candidate for this gear, especially with his high base damage and this gear can grant him 1 bar of power to use his powerful specials. Black Adam/Kahndaq's combo ender can drain huge amount of power thanks to this gear and his passive, and even when combined with Overpowered 5-U-93-R. With these 2 gears, Quake Engine can further boost his DOT and special damage as his combo ender can drain approximately one bar of power, greatly reducing enemy's power to the needed threshold to trigger Quake Engine's damage boost.
It can be combined with Batgirl/Prime's passive to provide any one character with 2 bars of starting power. This is very popular with characters with strong Special 2s, such as Ares. Equipping it on Superman/New 52 and teaming him with Batgirl allows him to trigger his first basic damage boost threshold immediately, and the gear's basic damage increase has great synergy with him. Batman/Arkham Knight, if chooses the Power Added boost, can start the match with 3 bars of power, easily wiping one opponent and outnumbering the enemy team right after the match started! The starting can help counter power-dampening opponents such as Killer Frost/Prime.
Unlike Tantu Totem, the superior gear for power gain, the Scimitar give power at start of the match, while the Totem's user has to tag in to gain power, and therefore, it's best suited for character put in the first slot. Those 2 can be combined together for 2 bars of power in the first tag-in, ready to nuke the opponents with SP2. Batgirl/Prime can help the user to achieve 3 bars of power early with this setup, and Wonder Woman/New 52 can share her power to her Justice League teammates.
Level | Credits | ![]() |
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+1 | 1,000 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
+2 | 2,000 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
+3 | 3,000 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
+4 | 4,000 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
+5 | 5,000 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
+6 | 6,000 | 14 | 14 | 14 |
+7 | 7,000 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
+8 | 8,000 | 18 | 18 | 18 |
+9 | 9,000 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
+10 | 10,000 | 24 | 24 | 24 |
Credits | ![]() |
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60,000 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 5 |
115,000 | 147 | 147 | 147 | 5 |
Level | Credits | ![]() |
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+1 | 5,000 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
+2 | 10,000 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
+3 | 15,000 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
+4 | 20,000 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
+5 | 25,000 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
+6 | 30,000 | 28 | 28 | 28 |
+7 | 35,000 | 36 | 36 | 36 |
+8 | 40,000 | 48 | 48 | 48 |
+9 | 45,000 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
+10 | 50,000 | 72 | 72 | 72 |
Credits | ![]() |
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390,000 | 441 | 441 | 441 | 5 |
Evolution | ![]() |
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Shards |
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Unevolved | 20 | 20 | 20 | 1 | --> | ? | ? | ? |
Evolved | 24 | 24 | 24 | 1 | --> | ? | ? | ? |
Maxed | 24 | 24 | 24 | 1 | --> | 36-71 | 36-70 | 36-70 |
Ignoring the power credit cost and assuming minimum output (24 red, 24 blue, 24 green), evolving it breaks even after 7 gear pieces shattered.
Ignoring the power credit cost and assuming minimum output (60 red, 60 blue, 60 green), maxing it breaks even after 5 gear pieces shattered (over the base evolved form).
- Prior to 2.16, it causes every hit in a combo ender to apply power drain, instead of applying it just once.
- The animation of the power drain appears to be a recolored version of Martian Manhunter/Prime's power drain effect.
- Ra's Al Ghul is one of Batman's most formidable enemies. An immortal ruler using the Lazarus Pit to keep on resurrecting himself (Lazarus Formula being named after it), he's also the leader of the League of Assassins (namesake of the League of Assassins Set) and grandfather to Damian Wayne (Nightwing/Regime, who is also Bruce Wayne's son).
- Sometimes, there might be a glitch where the power drain effect will repeatedly display on the opponent, although their power is not actually drained, and it will keep going on until either the match ends or when the opponent's character is knocked out.
- It was the first legendary gear in the game.
- It is the only legendary gear available in the Gear Locker.
- Its starting power effect was the first gear effect that can't be further improved by fusing gear. It was then succeeded by The Master's Death Cart's Area Effect combo ender effect. However, the Scimitar's bar of power is an evolved effect, while The Master's Arms already has the area effect on combo ender, which cannot be upgraded at all.
- Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar is one of the least efficient gear to fully max out, 1 bar of starting power is granted upon evolving it and cannot be further increased.
Gear (evolved) |
4→5 star 5-U-93-R Pill (Overpowered 5-U-93-R) • Alien Artifact (Mother Box) • Ancient Katana (Soultaker Sword) • Astro Force (Astro-Harness) • Black Diamond (Heart of Darkness) • Black Power Battery (Nekron's Scythe) • Cloak (Cloak of Destiny) • Gingo Fruit (Gingold Soda) • Gloves of Azrael (Gauntlets of Azrael) • Mysterious Artifact (The Ibistick) • Nightwing's Ninjato (Brandished Ninjato) • Ra's Al Ghul's Dagger (Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar) • Riddler's Cane (Riddler's Staff) • Scarecrow's Mask (Scarecrow's Ventilator Mask) • Sengoku Helmet (Batman Ninja Helmet) • The Batmobile (Militarized Batmobile) • The Master's Arms (The Master's Death Cart) • Time Capsule (Quake Engine) • Totem (Tantu Totem) • War Gauntlet (Claw of Horus)