Injustice Mobile Wiki
Injustice Mobile Wiki

Having 3 power bars as shown by Ares.

Power is generated by fighting during a match, and is expended to perform a Special Attack or Super Move. Amounts of power is usually expressed as number of bars (with 3 bars being the maximum), or a percentage of the maximum possible power.

Metal characters additionally have access to the related mechanic Dark Power.


Power can be converted into points, more power values at more points. According to the drain/steal power objectives in Phantom Zone, a bar of power is equal to 50 points, and Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad's power trick on SP2 also displays giving 50 points of power, equal to a bar.

Power generation rate affects how fast a character gain power by attacking or taking unblocked hits and gain power when tag-out. Without passive and Modifier, all characters have the base 100% power generation rate. Power that is given instantly from passives or gears such as Batman/Arkham Origins and Ra's al Ghul's Scimitar are not affected by power generation rate, as they give power at fixed amounts.

Gaining Power[]

Characters can gain power during combat. Normally, the higher power generation, the more power gained. Power generations from multiple source stack additively, including effects that dampen power generation such as Killer Frost/Prime, and if reached 0%, no power will be gained. Amount of gained power will decrease for each currently filled power bar.


About 2.6% power is generated by hitting an opponent with a basic attack. In Standard Battle, Challenge Mode, Breakthrough, and Phantom Zone boss fights, being hit by basic attacks generate a higher amount of power (~4%), while this only grants a very small amount of power in Online Battles and Survivor. Blocking does not generate any power, except from Wonder Woman/Regime, Static or Superman/Godfall's passives. Power Drain effects remove a certain amount of power from the target.

A number of effects grant power as if they are a basic attack, such as reflect (purple) damage from Godfall Superman's passive or gear (e.g. LexCorp Chest Armour V2, Scarecrow's Ventilator Mask), the hit automatically dealt after Batman/Dawn of Justice or The Flash/Wally West Rebirth dodges a special, the surprise attack Harley Quinn/Arkham Knight may perform if an enemy character tags in, and perhaps most infamously, The Master's Death Cart upon tag in.

If a character's power is already full, the extra power from other sources such as Wonder Woman/New 52 and Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad will be wasted. However, the wasted power will count toward Superman/New 52's basic attack boost.

Tagged out[]

While tagged out, characters will generate power slowly. At 100% power generation rate, it will take ~23 seconds to gain one power bar.

Cyborg/Regime's passive is supposed to increase his power generation by 50% while tagged out, but currently it works at all times.

Martian Manhunter/Blackest Night's passive does not affect power generated while tagged out.


Power generation can be increased through gear or passives. An example of this is Martian Manhunter/Blackest Night, whose passive lets him generate 30% more power during his third phase if he is tagged in. Deep Freeze effect and passives of Killer Frost/Prime or Solomon Grundy/Earth 2 can reduce the rate of enemy's power generation.

There are also gear or passives that grants power in some other way than just increasing the generation rate (and amount of gained power is unaffected by power generation). For example, Bane/Arkham Origins' passive gives all Arkham teammates (including himself) one bar of power when he falls below 50% health, Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar gives the user 1 bar of power at the start of the match, and the Tantu Totem gives up to 35% total power upon tag in, and refunds power of a special's cost if it does no damage or KO's an opponent. Other examples include: Batgirl/Prime and Batman/Arkham Origins. Both their passives grant power at the beginning of the match, with Batgirl's granting 1 bar of starting power for each teammate and Batman's granting 2 power bars for himself. Batman/Arkham Knight can start the match with two bars of power by choosing the 'Power Added' buff. Wonder Woman/New 52 and Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad can share power to their teammates with their special attacks. Superman/Man of Steel may refund consumed power for special attacks.

Power steal effect can drain enemy power and add it to your own.

The Power Surge modifier increases power generation for both teams, making it the only modifier than can benefit the player. The Dampening Field modifier decreases power generation for your team.


Power is very often confused with Energy, which is spent to enter a match and regenerates over time. This is further exacerbated by official text using the wrong term. For example, Superman/Man of Steel's passive description used to refer to energy for a long time prior to being fixed, despite that it actually means power.


  • Another measurement of power is that each power bar is worth 50 units, so 3 full power bars would be worth 150 units in total, although this is rarely used. It is possible that power generated by hitting an opponent with a basic attack is not 2.6% power, but rather 4 units (2.666...% of 150 units), 6 units for every basic hit taken (in Standard, Challenge, or Breakthrough) and that 2 units are generated every second while tagged out.
  • Another hint at this is in the damage of traditional power drain specials, for more information on this, see the this section on the Power Drain page.