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Injustice Mobile Wiki
Nth Metal Pro Pack

The Nth Metal Pro Pack costs 400 Nth Metal to purchase from the store and contains one Gold Challenge or Nth Metal character. It also includes one random piece of Gear and always includes 5 XP Augments.



Official Characters

  1. Batman Ninja Catwoman (7.00%)
  2. Batman Ninja Nightwing (7.00%)
  3. Metal The Batman Who Laughs (7.00%)
  4. Metal The Merciless (7.00%)
  5. New 52 Black Adam (7.00%)
  6. New 52 Shazam (7.00%)
  7. Gold Character (58.00%)
  • NOTE: These are official percentages that have come directly from the pack's description in the store as of update 3.2.

Recorded Characters

  1. Batgirl/Arkham Knight
  2. Batgirl/Prime
  3. Batman/Flashpoint
  4. Batman/Gaslight
  5. Batman/Red Son*
  6. Black Adam/Kahndaq
  7. Catwoman/Ame-Comi
  8. Catwoman/Arkham Knight
  9. Darkseid/Apokolips
  10. Deadshot/Suicide Squad
  11. Deathstroke/Red Son*
  12. Green Arrow/Rebirth
  13. Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz Rebirth
  14. Green Lantern/John Stewart
  15. Green Lantern/Yellow Lantern Hal Jordan
  16. Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad
  17. Hawkgirl/Earth 2
  18. Killer Croc/Arkham
  19. Raven/Rebirth
  20. Raven/Regime
  21. Raven/Teen Titans
  22. Scorpion/Klassic
  23. Sinestro/Antimatter
  24. Solomon Grundy/Earth 2
  25. Superman/Dawn of Justice
  26. Superman/Injustice 2
  27. The Flash/Earth 2
  28. The Joker/Suicide Squad
  29. Wonder Woman/Dawn of Justice*
  • NOTE: These characters are not stated in the pack's description, but have been obtained by users that have opened the pack. Information tested and confirmed as of update 3.1.
  • Characters with * seem to be unobtainable without owning a copy before.


  • Epic Gear (2.00%)
  • Rare Gear (15.00%)
  • Common Gear (40.00%)
  • Uncommon Gear (43.00%)
  • NOTE: These are official percentages that have come directly from the pack's description in the store as of update 3.2.

Cost comparison

Assuming that the only goal is to obtain Metal cards, and estimating that the Nth Metal Ultimate Pack has a 25% chance to yield 2 Metal cards instead of 1:

Name Nth Metal cost Card per pack Cost per card
Nth Metal Ultimate Pack 800 0.75 1067
Nth Metal Pro Pack 400 0.42 952
Nth Metal Pack 200 0.12 1667

Assuming even distribution, a Phantom Zone event and two resets with all Elite crystals will grant 462.5 Nth Metal on average.


  • Maxing all Nth Metal characters with this pack, assuming perfectly even distribution (i.e. you get 25 of each), would cost about $12,700 if Nth Metal is bought with real money.