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Nekron's Scythe is a piece of Legendary (5-Star) Gear, evolved from the Epic (4-Star) gear, Black Power Battery. The unevolved version can be obtained by ranking in the top 5% of certain Online Battle seasons, or as a possible reward in the Worst Heroes Ever Bundle, The Dawn of Justice Triple Pack, the Nth Metal Ultimate Pack and the Nth Metal Pro Pack.

It was introduced in Patch 3.1.


  • 20% - 40% POWER STEAL on Basic Attacks if HP lower than 15%
  • 100% - 200% increased DAMAGE against FROZEN or STUNNED opponents
  • 20% - 40% LIFEDRAIN on Basic Attacks if HP lower than 15%
  • [EVOLVED] KO an enemy to gain RESURRECT with 35% - 65% HP on death (once per match)


Life/power steal[]

Nekron life and power steal

Life and Power steal effects

When the user of this gear is low on health, all hits of their basic attacks will automatically drain health and steal power from the opponent. There is no unique animation or visual indicator when a character falls or is under this threshold, except the generic life drain/power steal (same as Ra's al Ghul's Scimitar) animation when they hit with basic attacks.

Unlike other health threshold abilities, there is no limited usage of this effect and it will be active as long as the character is under 15% health. Armor or Astro-Harness' Power Shield is not considered health - as long as you have less than 15% health, the life/power steal will be active no matter how much Armor or Power Shield you have.

The life drain is relatively unimpressive, and as it requires extremely low health to activate, it only serves as a desperation tactic to keep the user surviving.

The power steal is quite strong; however, note that it only triggers on unblocked basic attacks and the enemy must not be power drain immune like Static (it does let you gain power against the LexCorp Set 2 piece effect, but the LexCorp Set user will also gain power due to their effect). It drains the enemy of about 15% of their maximum power per hit while giving you about 10% (includes the power you normally gain from hitting the enemy).

The amount of power steal scales according to basic damage dealt. On the other hand, against opponents with astronomically high stats (e.g. late rounds of Survivor Mode), because basic attacks do negligible amounts of damage to them, it appears this causes Nekron's Scythe to steal negligible power.

The enemy needs to actually have power for you to steal. In Breakthrough, Standard Battle and Challenge Mode, character gain a significant amount of power when hit by basic attacks without blocking, so there would usually be power to steal, but in other game modes, they do not and will grant less power to the Scythe's user this way.

While under this effect, if you deal a KO blow with a basic attack, you would still gain health but not power.

Damage increase[]

This gear also offers a large damage boost against stunned enemies like the Cloak of Destiny, with the addition of being able to affect frozen ones as well. It can also work with a stun/freeze by a teammate. This effect can stack with the Cloak of Destiny's, resulting in massive damage output against stunned.

There is special mechanic applied to special attacks. The % damage boost is based on special's minimum damage, regardless players' performances on its mini-games. So if players achieve either 100% or 200% on the mini-game, the bonus boosted damage is still the same. It stacks with other sources of special attack damage boost.


Nekron resurrect

Resurrection effect

If able to KO an enemy (including knocking out Aquaman/Prime's summoned soldiers, or The Joker Unhinged/Suicide Squad's controlled characters), the wielder of Nekron's Scythe will be able to resurrect themselves. This effect will only work once, meaning they cannot KO another enemy to gain a second resurrection. Tagging out will not remove the effect.

If available, Nekron's Scythe's resurrection is activated before the Fourth World Set's two-piece effect and certain passives (including Doomsday/Containment, Solomon Grundy/Prime, and Solomon Grundy/Regime).

Like most gear, Nekron's Scythe will have no effect when disabled by gear-shattering effects. You won't even be able to gain the resurrection by a KO blow while it is shattered.

There seems to be some incidents of The Master's Death Cart being able to bypass specifically Nekron's Scythe's resurrect while firing its tag in attack, but it is difficult to confirm.


With Nekron's Scythe, Cloak of Destiny, and a piece of basic damage/crit gear like the Overpowered 5-U-93-R, it is possible to drain all power and gain 2 bars of power yourself with a single basic attack against a stunned opponent. However, since you would be doing a lot of basic damage with this, you would likely immediately heal up pass 15% max health, stopping the effect. The power steal effect can also be combined effectively with The Master's Death Cart: when you tag in, the Death Cart strafes your opponent with ~10 hits of gunfire; if you use basic attacks during this, some hits can apply the effect, greatly increasing the power stolen. Even at zero power, combined with the Death Cart's own power given, this can sometimes immediately give you 3 bars. The Death Cart's damage also staggers your opponent, making it easy to land basic hits even if you are on critical health.

Some characters have freeze on the middle of their SP2, such as Killer Frost/Prime, Superman/Godfall and Superman/New 52, which can be boosted by Nekron's Scythe. The freeze hits of Killer Frost and Godfall Superman are unblockable, ensuring their specials will deal huge damage to the frozen foes. It can serve as a replacement of Cloak of Destiny as it can boost damage against stun too, for example Bane/Luchador, Batgirl or Batman/Batman Ninja. However, it lacks of the crit boost and tag-in stun chance unlike what the Cloak provides, so Cloak of Destiny is a better gear for stun damage. Green Arrow/Arrow can freeze with his combo ender, and his next specials or basic combo will deal boosted damage if he is equipped with this gear.

Nekron's Scythe is effective with characters or the two-piece Fourth World Set which resurrects, giving its user an extra chance to live. The Flash/Blackest Night can especially benefit from this as his passive allows him to resurrect at 100% health instead of 35% - 65%. If paired with the two-piece Fourth World Set and Hawkgirl/Blackest Night, he will be able to resurrect 3 times, technically giving Flash 4 times his base health. Doomsday/Containment can also benefit from Nekron's Scythe as he would then have 4 resurrections or even 5 with at least 2 pieces of the Fourth World Set instead! Doomsday/Prime and Batman/Batman Ninja are another excellent tank for this gear, it makes them become even tankier. Doomsday gains both health and resurrection on knock out blow while Batman has stun on his SP2 which will deal huge damage if unblocked and knock out the enemy easily, gaining the resurrection.

The Nekron's Scythe has strong synergy with Shazam/New 52, especially the power steal effect as Shazam's KO immunity ensures his survival at just 1 health, stealing as much power as possible. In addition, during his KO immunity, he is very likely to knock out at least one enemy to trigger the resurrection effect.


Level Credits RedShard BlueShard GreenShard
+1 1,000 4 4 4
+2 2,000 6 6 6
+3 3,000 8 8 8
+4 4,000 10 10 10
+5 5,000 12 12 12
+6 6,000 14 14 14
+7 7,000 16 16 16
+8 8,000 18 18 18
+9 9,000 20 20 20
+10 10,000 24 24 24
Evolving and Subtotal
Credits RedShard BlueShard GreenShard PurpleShard
60,000 15 15 15 5
115,000 147 147 147 5
Level Credits RedShard BlueShard GreenShard
+1 5,000 4 4 4
+2 10,000 6 6 6
+3 15,000 8 8 8
+4 20,000 12 12 12
+5 25,000 20 20 20
+6 30,000 28 28 28
+7 35,000 36 36 36
+8 40,000 48 48 48
+9 45,000 60 60 60
+10 50,000 72 72 72
Credits RedShard BlueShard GreenShard PurpleShard
390,000 441 441 441 5


Evolution RedShard BlueShard GreenShard PurpleShard Bonus


RedShard BlueShard GreenShard
Unevolved 20 20 20 1 --> ? ? ?
Evolved 24 24 24 1 --> ? ? ?
Maxed 24 24 24 1 --> 36-71 36-70 36-70

Ignoring the power credit cost and assuming minimum output (24 red, 24 blue, 24 green), evolving it breaks even after 7 gear pieces shattered.

Ignoring the power credit cost and assuming minimum output (60 red, 60 blue, 60 green), maxing it breaks even after 5 gear pieces shattered (over the base evolved form).


  • This gear’s unevolved form is based on the Black Power battery of the Black lanterns which first appeared in the Blackest Night comic series.
  • In the comics, the aforementioned Nekron is the embodiment of death and leader and creator of the Black lantern corps and carries a Power battery scythe which is where the evolved form is based on.
Gear (evolved)
4→5 star

5-U-93-R Pill (Overpowered 5-U-93-R) Alien Artifact (Mother Box) Ancient Katana (Soultaker Sword) Astro Force (Astro-Harness) Black Diamond (Heart of Darkness) Black Power Battery (Nekron's Scythe) Cloak (Cloak of Destiny) Gingo Fruit (Gingold Soda) Gloves of Azrael (Gauntlets of Azrael) Mysterious Artifact (The Ibistick) Nightwing's Ninjato (Brandished Ninjato) Ra's Al Ghul's Dagger (Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar) Riddler's Cane (Riddler's Staff) Scarecrow's Mask (Scarecrow's Ventilator Mask) Sengoku Helmet (Batman Ninja Helmet) The Batmobile (Militarized Batmobile) The Master's Arms (The Master's Death Cart) Time Capsule (Quake Engine) Totem (Tantu Totem) War Gauntlet (Claw of Horus)
Fourth World Set
Fourth World Chest Plate (Fourth World Godly Chest Plate) Fourth World Helmet (Fourth World Godly Helmet) Fourth World Mace (Fourth World Godly Mace)
League of Assassins Set
League of Assassins Initiate Blade (League of Assassins Adept Blade) League of Assassins Hood (League of Assassins Adept Hood) League of Assassins Throwing Knives (League of Assassins Adept Knives)
LexCorp Set
LexCorp Chest Armour V1 (LexCorp Chest Armor V2) LexCorp Gauntlets V1 (LexCorp Gauntlets V2) LexCorp Helmet V1 (LexCorp Helmet V2)
Companion Cards
Diablo Companion Card (Diablo Companion Card EVOLVED) Enchantress Companion Card (Enchantress Companion Card EVOLVED) Killer Croc Companion Card (Killer Croc Companion Card EVOLVED)
