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The LexCorp Helmet V2 is a piece of Legendary (5-Star) Gear, evolved from the Epic (4-Star) gear, LexCorp Helmet V1. The unevolved version can be obtained from the Last Laugh minigame in Survivor Mode. It is part of the LexCorp Set (along with the Gauntlets and the Chest Armor) which gains additional properties if 2 or 3 pieces are equipped to the same character.

It is considered to be the most common piece of the set.


  • BLOCKING stops 20% - 40% more damage
  • CRIT BOOST: 30% - 50% more damage on CRIT attacks
  • [EVOLVED] 1% - 6% damage DOT added on special

LexCorp Set Properties

  • [2/3 SET EQUIPPED] 39% - 69% POWER given instead of drained
  • [3/3 SET EQUIPPED] 1.5 base DAMAGE applied every second to enemy


Block reduction

It stacks additively with damage mitigation from block action and other block gears. For example, against a basic attack, if you have 40% further reduction from block gear, you will take 100 - 25% - 40% = 35% damage. Block and block gear's effectiveness is capped at 90% total, or a minimum of 10% damage taken. Against extremely weak opponents, this can actually reduce damage under 1 and may produce hits that don't do damage.

Superman/Godfall reflects (reflect effect will also reduce damage taken) 50% basic damage when blocking. This stacks multiplicatively with block and block gears, including this one.

Crit damage boost

Add 30%-50% to crit damage multiplier. For example, if a crit attack initially does 150% of normal damage, a maxed Helmet will make it deal 200% instead. Crit damage boost from gears cannot be doubled by Batman/Flashpoint's passive.

DOT on specials

Upon finishing a special, LexCorp Helmet Armor V2 causes the opponent to burn for 0.1%-0.6% per second for 10 seconds, for a total damage of 1%-6% of their maximum health.

It is not affected by Catwoman/Batman Returns, Quake Engine or any other damage boost other than bleed (+20% per stack of bleed). Crit buffs from augments or Batman/Beyond Animated, Batman/Batman Ninja and Scorpion/Mortal Kombat X's passives can cause it to crit. Batman/Flashpoint's ~5% crit chance for Flashpoint characters and crit chance for Batman from Batman Ninja Helmet can cause it to crit as well. The DOT will trigger Catwoman/Prime and Catwoman/Regime's passives.

DOT on special gear can be stacked. It is possible for it to do total damage of up to 26% of the target's health in one application with Ibistick, LexCorp Helmet Amour V2 and League of Assassins Adept Blade.

Gear DOT can in some cases be applied multiple times in one special by the tag-in damage of The Master's Death Cart (for details, see that page).

Some characters with specials that has hits at the same time or very close to each other can apply DOT multiple times at once. For example, while both Batgirl/Cassandra Cain and Batgirl/Arkham Knight have a 4-hit special 1, the DOT is applied 3 times (as there is a long delay between the 1st hit and 2nd, while hits 2-4 are almost simultaneous). Other character exhibiting this quality on SP1 include all versions of Batman, whether 2-hit or 7-hit, all apply DOT twice (7-hit version can apply thrice if the first 3 hits missed). The sole exception is Batman/Beyond Animated, who only hits once and only applies it once. However, other characters with special 1s with very close hits, such as Darkseid/Prime or Deathstroke/Arkham Origins, do not exhibit this quality.

Static/Prime's and Zatanna's special 2 applies the DOT 4 times at the end. Batgirl/Prime special 2 applies it 2 times at the end.

However, the most extreme example is Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz Rebirth; when teamed with two Green Lantern teammates, she additionally rends her opponent with a saw blade at the end of her special 2. While hard to confirm due to the sheer number of hits, that allows her to apply DOT roughly 8 times (damage further increased by 20% due to bleed except for a couple of earliest hits). Even without accounting for bleed, that theoretically amounts to up to 208% of enemy maximum health damage with one special, or up to 320% if using Quake Engine instead of LexCorp Helmet V2. Additionally, the rocket before the saw blade snares the opponent for a few seconds, forcing them to take most of the DOT.

A few exceptions exist where DOT is applied prior to the end of the special: Catwoman/Ame-Comi applies DOT twice on her special 2, on both the first hit and the third (last) hit, and Doomsday/Blackest Night applies it on the third and fourth hits (last 2) of his special 2, despite there being a large delay between them. Batman/Flashpoint's special 2 applies it twice, on both of the last two hits (grappling gun, flying kick), although the kick is not performed if blocked. The Arkham Knight's special 2 only applies it once, on the last normal hit. The drone cannot apply the DOT. If The Joker/Suicide Squad and The Joker/Unhinged Suicide Squad's special 1 gets the power gain effect, there will be no second hit, but the DOT would be applied on the first hit instead, which also gives you an advance notice that Joker will receive that effect.

For most other cases DOT is strictly applied by the last hit. If the last hit is not performed (for example, not tapping during Batman/Arkham Origins's SP2 causes only 1 hit to be performed instead of the normal 3, and being blocked causes Darkseid/Prime's SP2's third hit to not be performed), it is not applied.

Whether it is applied if the hit misses depends: if it misses because the opponent is out of range, it is not applied; if it misses because they are knocked down (but remain in range), it is applied. This can be illustrated with Superman/Prime's special 1: if he uses a light basic combo, block to stay far away and then use SP1, DOT is not applied; if he uses a heavy basic combo, wait a moment till the opponent is fully knocked down and then use SP1, DOT is applied. In both cases no damage is done by the special (Tantu Totem will refund power even if gear DOT is applied).

Harley Quinn's special 2 would only apply DOT if she chooses the bomb, and not if she chooses the flower (healing) or picture (damage boost). For the case of Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad, the power gain, as well as the enhanced picture (which brings The Joker/Suicide Squad or The Joker/Unhinged Suicide Squad in for an attack), will not apply DOT (no matter whether Harley or Joker has DOT gear), despite that the latter deals damage.

Aquaman/Prime summoning the Atlantean Hero will not apply DOT, not even with The Master's Death Cart.


A powerful gear that can empower any characters. It gives the highest damage reduction on block of every single gear piece in the game. The crit damage boost is a great asset to crit attack such as Deathstroke/Arkham Origins's Point Blank or can be paired with gears that provide crit chance increase. DOT on specials, though is inferior to The Ibistick, can still inflict huge amount of damage when combined with The Master's Death Cart and some specials can also inflict DOT multiple times, making it a great weapon against bosses and other high health characters. Scorpion/Mortal Kombat X can make use of both crit damage boost and DOT effects as all of DOT that inflicted by his specials can crit thanks to his passive.

This gear is commonly combined with other LexCorp set pieces for the set effect, especially the power drain reverse. It has great synergy with the LexCorp Chest Armor V2 as the crit damage boost works wonder with crit chance increase on basic attacks, and the blocking boost pairs well with the special reflect. Batman/Arkham Origins is a great user of this setup because it helps him become immune to power drain, heal and inflict DOT with his powerful SP2 and make use of his smooth heavy combo after using 2 bars of his starting power. The LexCorp Gauntlets V2 is also a good combination for SP1 build, which can deal increased crit damage, regeneration and inflict DOT with just one use, however, is usually used on other SP1 nuke build with League of Assassins Adept Knives. (For full set effect, see LexCorp Set)


Level Credits BlueShard GreenShard
+1 1,000 4 4
+2 2,000 6 6
+3 3,000 8 8
+4 4,000 10 10
+5 5,000 12 12
+6 6,000 14 14
+7 7,000 16 16
+8 8,000 18 18
+9 9,000 20 20
+10 10,000 24 24
Evolving and Subtotal
Credits RedShard BlueShard GreenShard PurpleShard
30,000 5 15 15 3
85,000 5 147 147 3
Level Credits BlueShard GreenShard
+1 5,000 4 4
+2 10,000 6 6
+3 15,000 8 8
+4 20,000 12 12
+5 25,000 20 20
+6 30,000 28 28
+7 35,000 36 36
+8 40,000 48 48
+9 45,000 60 60
+10 50,000 72 72
Credits RedShard BlueShard GreenShard PurpleShard
360,000 5 441 441 3


Evolution BlueShard GreenShard PurpleShard Bonus


RedShard BlueShard GreenShard
Unevolved 20 20 1 --> ? ? ?
Evolved 24 24 1 --> 2-4 5-14 5-14
Maxed 24 24 1 --> 0 36-70 36-70

Ignoring the power credit cost and assuming minimum output (24 blue, 24 green), evolving it breaks even after 7 gear pieces shattered.

Ignoring the power credit cost and assuming minimum output (60 blue, 60 green), maxing it breaks even after 5 gear pieces shattered (over the base evolved form).


  • It is the second piece of gear to offer non-character-specific crit boost, after Cloak of Destiny.
  • With this gear, the most damage from a Special Attack that the player can reduces is up to 90%! This can only be done if the player equips this gear onto Green Lantern/Red Son or Zod/Man of Steel (reduces 20% of a Special's damage), along with the Killer Croc Companion Card EVOLVED (reduces 30% of a Special's damage), for a total of 90%!
  • The unevolved version of this gear had it's name changed from LexCorp Helmet Armor V1 to LexCorp Helmet V1
Gear (evolved)
4→5 star

5-U-93-R Pill (Overpowered 5-U-93-R) Alien Artifact (Mother Box) Ancient Katana (Soultaker Sword) Astro Force (Astro-Harness) Black Diamond (Heart of Darkness) Black Power Battery (Nekron's Scythe) Cloak (Cloak of Destiny) Gingo Fruit (Gingold Soda) Gloves of Azrael (Gauntlets of Azrael) Mysterious Artifact (The Ibistick) Nightwing's Ninjato (Brandished Ninjato) Ra's Al Ghul's Dagger (Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar) Riddler's Cane (Riddler's Staff) Scarecrow's Mask (Scarecrow's Ventilator Mask) Sengoku Helmet (Batman Ninja Helmet) The Batmobile (Militarized Batmobile) The Master's Arms (The Master's Death Cart) Time Capsule (Quake Engine) Totem (Tantu Totem) War Gauntlet (Claw of Horus)
Fourth World Set
Fourth World Chest Plate (Fourth World Godly Chest Plate) Fourth World Helmet (Fourth World Godly Helmet) Fourth World Mace (Fourth World Godly Mace)
League of Assassins Set
League of Assassins Initiate Blade (League of Assassins Adept Blade) League of Assassins Hood (League of Assassins Adept Hood) League of Assassins Throwing Knives (League of Assassins Adept Knives)
LexCorp Set
LexCorp Chest Armour V1 (LexCorp Chest Armor V2) LexCorp Gauntlets V1 (LexCorp Gauntlets V2) LexCorp Helmet V1 (LexCorp Helmet V2)
Companion Cards
Diablo Companion Card (Diablo Companion Card EVOLVED) Enchantress Companion Card (Enchantress Companion Card EVOLVED) Killer Croc Companion Card (Killer Croc Companion Card EVOLVED)
