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The Fourth World Godly Chest Plate is a piece of Legendary (5-Star) Gear, evolved from the Epic (4-Star) gear, Fourth World Chest Plate. The unevolved version can be obtained from the Last Laugh minigame in Survivor Mode. It is part of the Fourth World Set (along with the Mace and the Helmet) which gains additional properties if 2 or 3 pieces are equipped to the same character.


  • 20% - 40% MAX HEALTH increase
  • 10% - 30% chance to REFLECT ALL SPECIALS while blocking
  • [EVOLVED] 10% - 20% Chance to take no damage from basic attacks

Fourth World Set Properties[]

  • [3/3 SET EQUIPPED] 100% chance to regenerate X% - 50% health over 30 seconds from your Special 1 (cooldown: 5 seconds)
  • [2/3 SET EQUIPPED] X% - 31% HEALTH restored when KOd (the minimum number is determined by the number of pieces owned + the sum of how evolved each individual piece is--thus, the true minimum is owning 2 unfused pieces; there is a different "minimum" if all 3 set pieces are owned)


Reflect specials[]

Reflect will reduce damage taken while dealing damage to the attacker. Both fighters will receive power.

Deflect basic damage[]

Character simply takes no damage from that basic attack. Unlike damage reduction, receiving no damage from this effect will not prevent status effect associated with basic attack, such as Power Drain from Overpowered 5-U-93-R. Life Drain still take effect and heal by the amount as it would have healed.

Taking no damage will still cause flinching. For Black Adam/Regime and Black Adam/Prime, if their passives are active, taking no damage will not trigger it; Black Adam will still flinch as normal but their opponent will be unaffected.


One of the best defensive gears in the game, it provides the most health boost out of any single gear (tied with the Batman Ninja Helmet and the Brandished Ninjato) and lowers the effectiveness of both basic attackers and those that rely on special damage. It is useful on nearly any character in terms of increasing durability, and a nightmare when combined with the other set pieces. The reflection can protect its user from huge amounts of damage from specials and grant its user some power, especially useful against powerful multi-hit specials. Basic damage deflection can be useful against strong basic attackers such as Batman/Flashpoint and Superman/New 52.

The Chest Plate is the core gear if players want to utilize the Fourth World Set's resurrection effect because of its massive health boost. Combined with the Fourth World Godly Mace, it can further power up tank characters with powerful SP2s such as Superman/Injustice 2 (especially with his already gigantic health). The Fourth World Godly Helmet can be used instead of the mace if players only want the resurrection effect and don't want to use their SP2, such as The Flash/Blackest Night's SP1 focused build. (For the full set effect, see Fourth World Set)


Level Credits BlueShard GreenShard
+1 1,000 4 4
+2 2,000 6 6
+3 3,000 8 8
+4 4,000 10 10
+5 5,000 12 12
+6 6,000 14 14
+7 7,000 16 16
+8 8,000 18 18
+9 9,000 20 20
+10 10,000 24 24
Evolving and Subtotal
Credits RedShard BlueShard GreenShard PurpleShard
30,000 5 15 15 3
85,000 5 147 147 3
Level Credits BlueShard GreenShard
+1 5,000 4 4
+2 10,000 6 6
+3 15,000 8 8
+4 20,000 12 12
+5 25,000 20 20
+6 30,000 28 28
+7 35,000 36 36
+8 40,000 48 48
+9 45,000 60 60
+10 50,000 72 72
Credits RedShard BlueShard GreenShard PurpleShard
360,000 5 441 441 3


Evolution BlueShard GreenShard PurpleShard Bonus


RedShard BlueShard GreenShard
Unevolved 20 20 1 --> ? ? ?
Evolved 24 24 1 --> 2-4 5-14 5-14
Maxed 24 24 1 --> 0 36-70 36-70

Ignoring the power credit cost and assuming minimum output (24 blue, 24 green), evolving it breaks even after 7 gear pieces shattered.

Ignoring the power credit cost and assuming minimum output (60 blue, 60 green), maxing it breaks even after 5 gear pieces shattered (over the base evolved form).


Gear (evolved)
4→5 star

5-U-93-R Pill (Overpowered 5-U-93-R) Alien Artifact (Mother Box) Ancient Katana (Soultaker Sword) Astro Force (Astro-Harness) Black Diamond (Heart of Darkness) Black Power Battery (Nekron's Scythe) Cloak (Cloak of Destiny) Gingo Fruit (Gingold Soda) Gloves of Azrael (Gauntlets of Azrael) Mysterious Artifact (The Ibistick) Nightwing's Ninjato (Brandished Ninjato) Ra's Al Ghul's Dagger (Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar) Riddler's Cane (Riddler's Staff) Scarecrow's Mask (Scarecrow's Ventilator Mask) Sengoku Helmet (Batman Ninja Helmet) The Batmobile (Militarized Batmobile) The Master's Arms (The Master's Death Cart) Time Capsule (Quake Engine) Totem (Tantu Totem) War Gauntlet (Claw of Horus)
Fourth World Set
Fourth World Chest Plate (Fourth World Godly Chest Plate) Fourth World Helmet (Fourth World Godly Helmet) Fourth World Mace (Fourth World Godly Mace)
League of Assassins Set
League of Assassins Initiate Blade (League of Assassins Adept Blade) League of Assassins Hood (League of Assassins Adept Hood) League of Assassins Throwing Knives (League of Assassins Adept Knives)
LexCorp Set
LexCorp Chest Armour V1 (LexCorp Chest Armor V2) LexCorp Gauntlets V1 (LexCorp Gauntlets V2) LexCorp Helmet V1 (LexCorp Helmet V2)
Companion Cards
Diablo Companion Card (Diablo Companion Card EVOLVED) Enchantress Companion Card (Enchantress Companion Card EVOLVED) Killer Croc Companion Card (Killer Croc Companion Card EVOLVED)
