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Arkham Origins Deathstroke
Rarity Base Stats Price Unlock
Gold 850/1,100 211,000 Challenge Mode, Arkham Asylum Pack, Arkham Pack, Survivor Pack (4th Edition), Aquaman Celebration Pack, Shazam Celebration Pack, Joker Celebration Pack, Phantom Zone reward (Veteran and Elite)
Passive Elite Soldier: Reaching 200% Damage on Point Blank special makes it UNBLOCKABLE and automatically CRIT. Bonus 8% DAMAGE per PROMOTION. (Up to a maximum of 80% at Elite 10)

Arkham Origins Deathstroke can be unlocked through his Challenge Mode. Otherwise, he can be randomly obtained from the Arkham Pack, all Celebration packs, or as a guaranteed pull from the Arkham Asylum Pack. However, obtaining him from a pack will not unlock him for direct promotions.


Basic Attacks[]

Basic Combo Damage Pattern (% of damage stat) Total (including Combo Ender)
Light (Combo Ender) 2% - 2% - 2% - (3% - 3%) 12%
Heavy 4% - 4% - 4% 12%

Deathstroke has 2-hit Combo Ender, making his light combo quite strong compared to standard light combo.

His heavy combo leaves him, as any other Deathstroke, vulnerable to the next tag-in enemy's attack if he KO an enemy using his heavy combo.


IMG 1793-1-

Deathstroke's first special will be UNBLOCKABLE if reaches 200%.

Arkham Origins Deathstroke uses his expertise in armaments and martial arts to devastate his opponents. His less than usual base damage for a Gold card may seem unsettling, but every time he is promoted he gets 8% additional damage, adding up to a staggering 80% at Elite X, or with the equivalent of 1,530 damage. However, it's not as effective as a 1,530 damage stat, because his passive is just a normal damage boost, it just stacks with other sources of damage boost. Any other damage boost (gears, teammates' passives) and special attacks' bonus damage from mini-game performances will be still based on % of his original damage stat, making the boost from his passive less effective than it seems to be.

Upon reaching 200% (which has a wider area and is significantly easier to hit), his Point Blank will deal CRIT (Critical) damage and will be unblockable, which, at the least, takes off half your opponent's health with a single Special 1 attack. This Deathstroke is the ultimate damage dealer; given Crit boost gear this card can level opponent in one special move, and his second special move has enough powerful hits to knock out all three opposing characters. When fighting against him, you'd better have a power drain character or gears on you; one or two Point Blank attacks and you're done. Note that if the opponent blocks, the first hit that becomes UNBLOCKABLE will NOT be a crit, but the following hits will be, as block breaker hit can't crit.

His multi-hit SP2 can benefit from Harley Quinn/Arkham's unblockable chance from her passive, opening up an SP2 build option for him.


League of Assassins Adept Knives can be used to increase power generation (to be able to use your SP1 faster), increase the damage of his SP1, and also deal immense damage to the entire enemy team as well, making it probably the most dangerous gear for his SP1. Tantu Totem is another wonderful gear for him, giving Deathstroke a bar of power on tag in to immediately perform a deadly SP1, and allowing him to potentially wipe an entire enemy team with a barrage of SP1. The Ibistick is another decent choice as it gives great power generation and SP1 damage increases.

Promethium Longsword is great on Arkham Origins Deathstroke, as he can make great use of all its stats. Cloak of Destiny is a fairly common option, and while it can be used to great effect, it is not very necessary on him and would be better used on someone else with better synergy with it, and isn't a particular goal to work for if you are using him. LexCorp Helmet V2 and League Of Assassins Adept Hood can be used for their crit boost, but the former's other stats don't fit him well while the latter's do. With the 2.6 update, the ability to allow your character to augment their stats (damage, health, Crit chance and Crit damage) to make them stronger, thus making him an even more dangerous threat with crit boost gears!

Being an Arkham character with multi-hit SP2, he can focus on using SP2 with Harley Quinn/Arkham on his team. Tantu Totem is again an excellent choice thanks to the crit boost, and Deathstroke can keep using SP2 when he KO an opponent with it, effectively destroying an entire team. Other SP2 or power gears are also recommended, as well as Astro-Harness to strengthen his defense with Invulnerability.

Since Deathstroke has a 2-hit combo ender and a relatively easy-to-use light combo that can be chained together, Ra's Al Ghul's Scimitar or Overpowered 5-U-93-R would work well with him. RAGS would give him an edge in DPS due to it's granting one bar of power from the start and the power drain on combo ender would make him a nuisance. However, Overpowered 5-U-93-R may be of greater value since it offers critical chance to basic attacks, has a better power drain than RAGS, and can effectively heal Deathstroke in a few light combos courtesy of the lifedrain on combo ender. Mutated Bone Spikes is a fairly simple and safe option given his affinity with basic attacks and his SP1. It can be combined with Promethium Longsword and any basic damage/crit gear for a cookie-cutter and relatively easy to achieve Deathstroke build that does tons of basic damage.


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Deathstroke. Having a card that "counters" Deathstroke does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With[]


Deathstroke activates his supermove

  • Other Arkham characters:
    • Harley Quinn/Arkham: She gives Arkham teammates a 50% block breaking chance on every hit of their SP2 attacks. AO Deathstroke's SP2 attack hits six times; it is essentially about as good as unblockable, making Deathstroke at any level of power above one bar an unavoidable barrage of pain.
    • Bane/Arkham Origins: When Bane is below 50% health, he gives all Arkham teammates one bar of power, allowing Deathstroke to tag in and immediately use at least 1 Point Blank, or Deathstroke's SP2 or Super attack, making Deathstroke incredibly dangerous if not countered correctly.
    • Batgirl/Arkham Knight: She can save him once per match with her passive.
    • Deadshot/Arkham Origins: While Deathstroke is tagged in and fighting the opponent, Deadshot can drain 1.5 bars of enemy power from the current tagged-in opponent every 10 seconds.
  • Batgirl/Prime: With the help of Batgirl's passive, Deathstroke can use his immensely powerful SP1 at the beginning of the match and quickly wipe out an enemy before they are able to gain any power.
  • Lord Joker/Batman Ninja: With the help of Lord Joker, Deathstroke's Specials deal 20% Area-Effect Damage to the tagged out opponents. This is particularly dangerous with his unblockable crit SP1.

Good Against[]

  • Glass Cannons such as Bane/Luchador, Batgirl/Cassandra Cain , Batman/Blackest Night , Ares/Prime , etc.: Despite the stated characters' annoying and threatening passives, Deathstroke's passive allows him to exploit their low health with his unblockable critical damage. In addition, his SP2 deals heavy damage and can carry over to the next opponent that tags in. This protects Deathstroke from tag-in abilities from Bane, Batgirl, or The Flash.
  • Nightwing/Batman Ninja, and Static/Prime: If Deathstroke hits 200% on his SP1, it will break block on the first hit, preventing those characters from gaining a decent amount of power from their passive. Static must especially block the first hit to gain power while Nightwing can gain power per blocked hit.

Countered By[]

  • Green Lantern/Red Son, Batman/Arkham Knight: Green Lantern's passive grants crit immunity to each Red Son character on his team and reduces all special damage that each Red Son teammate would have taken by 20%, and thus can severely dampen Deathstroke's damage output against potentially all three of his opponents. Batman can also choose to be immune to Deathstroke's crit as well.
  • Superman/Blackest Night: Superman's passive negates the possible unblockable effect of Deathstroke's special 1 attack, as well as other Blackest Night characters teamed with him.
  • Black Adam/Regime: Black Adam can reflect the damage of up to 3 hits from Deathstroke's SP1 back at Deathstroke for double the damage.
  • Raven/Prime: Deathstroke's powerful multi-hit special attacks will almost inevitably trigger her passive, causing her to swap health percentages with Deathstroke.
  • Superman/Injustice 2, Batman/Dawn of Justice, The Flash/Reverse Flash, The Flash/Wally West Rebirth, Riddler's Staff, and Mother Box: All of them have a chance to completely "evade" Deathstroke's SP1 (and as for the Mother Box, the user can evade Deathstroke’s SP2 which can be used to decimate entire teams).


Here are Deathstroke's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Point Blank Second Special Deathstroke uses his dual pistols to great effect, laying down a hail of bullets. Target
Identity Crisis Second Special Deathstroke's rifle is repeatedly bashed onto his opponent. Rapid Swipe (2x)
Eye for an Eye Super Move Deathstroke remains the undisputed virtuoso of death. UNBLOCKABLE. Tap

His heavy combo can be chained into his SP1 “Point Blank”, albeit it is very tricky to achieve it - if not timed correctly (used very quickly after his heavy combo, not delaying for a split-second) either the opponent stands up automatically blocking or his SP1 don’t hit the opponent at all. Nevertheless, if the player manages to hit 200% in his Target minigame, whether the opponent blocks or not in this situation, AODS's SP1 is indeed fatal, unlike his Prime counterpart in the same scenario.

Support Cards and Gear[]

Here are Deathstroke's support cards and gear.

Card Classification Description Cost
Promethium Armor Health 10% HEALTH BOOST. 3,000
Personal Arsenal Damage 10% DAMAGE BOOST. 4,000
Contract Killer Energy 10% ENERGY REGENERATION. 5,000
Alloy Sword (Promethium Longsword) Gear

50% - 70% DAMAGE BOOST to basic attacks

[Deathstroke] CRIT boost: 30% - 50% more damage on CRIT attacks

[EVOLVED] 35% - 45% CRIT chance on basic attacks

25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading)


These stats are the final damage and health levels at level 50, per Elite rank, with ALL support cards, and without any augmentations. With the 2.13 update, Elite 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Elite 10 damage and health levels are for level 60 characters. Numbers with a * after them may not be accurate, please allow for a discrepancy of '+1/-1' damage or health due to rounding inconsistencies in game code.

Tier Damage Health
Normal 6,656 16,038
Elite I 9,983 (10,782 w/ passive) 24,057
Elite II 13,311 (15,440 w/ passive) 32,076
Elite III 19,967 (24,759 w/ passive) 48,114
Elite IV 23,294 (30,748 w/ passive) 57,737
Elite V 26,622 (37,270 w/ passive) 64,152
Elite VI 29,950 (44,326 w/ passive) 72,171
Elite VII 33,277 (51,912 w/ passive) 80,190
Elite VIII 36,605 (60,032 w/ passive) 88,209
Elite IX 39,933 (68,684 w/ passive) 96,228
Elite X 46,990 (84,582 w/ passive) 123,552


  • Upon release, the defense AI always achieved 200% on his special 1, including in multiplayer, making him absurdly difficult to fight against. This was changed after player complaints, and he now only occasionally hits 200%.
  • The leaked version of Green Lantern/Red Son (which was released 3 characters after Arkham Origins Deathstroke) did not have his current passive. It was suspected it was changed to include immunity to crits to give players an option to counter AO Deathstroke.
  • Despite unconfirmed, he seems to have higher drop rate in Veteran crystals than Elite ones in Phantom Zone rewards.
  • Arkham Origins Deathstroke’s passive is similar to a part of Gunslinger Erron Black’s passive in Mortal Kombat X Mobile. The similarity is that reaching the required damage threshold or above on the aiming mini-game of their special attacks will make it automatically critical and unblockable. Deathstroke does this at 200% on Special 1, but Erron Black does it at 80% or more on Special 2. Coincidentally they are both Challenge characters in their respective games.
Aquaman/Prime, Aquaman/Flashpoint, Aquaman/Injustice 2, and Aquaman/Regime
Ares/Prime, Ares/Regime, and The Merciless/Metal
Bane/Prime, Bane/Arkham Origins, Bane/Knightfall, Bane/Luchador, and Bane/Regime
Batgirl/Prime, Batgirl/Arkham Knight, and Batgirl/Cassandra Cain
Batman/Prime, Batman/Arkham Knight, Batman/Arkham Origins, Batman/Batman Ninja, Batman/Beyond, Batman/Blackest Night, Batman/Dawn of Justice, Batman/Flashpoint, Batman/Gaslight, Batman/Insurgency, Batman/Red Son, and Batman/Beyond Animated
Black Adam
Black Adam/Prime, Black Adam/Kahndaq, Black Adam/New 52, and Black Adam/Regime
Catwoman/Prime, Catwoman/Ame-Comi, Catwoman/Arkham Knight, Catwoman/Batman Ninja, Catwoman/Batman Returns, and Catwoman/Regime
Cyborg/Prime, Cyborg/Regime, and Cyborg/Teen Titans
Darkseid/Prime, and Darkseid/Apokolips
Deadshot/Arkham Origins, and Deadshot/Suicide Squad
Deathstroke/Prime, Deathstroke/Arkham Origins, Deathstroke/Flashpoint, Deathstroke/Insurgency, and Deathstroke/Red Son
Doomsday/Prime, Doomsday/Blackest Night, Doomsday/Containment, and Doomsday/Regime
Green Arrow
Green Arrow/Prime, Green Arrow/Arrow, Green Arrow/Insurgency, and Green Arrow/Rebirth
Green Lantern
Green Lantern/Prime, Green Lantern/John Stewart, Green Lantern/New 52, Green Lantern/Red Son, Green Lantern/Regime, Green Lantern/Red Lantern Hal Jordan, Green Lantern/Yellow Lantern Hal Jordan, and Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz Rebirth
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn/Prime, Harley Quinn/Animated, Harley Quinn/Arkham, Harley Quinn/Arkham Knight, Harley Quinn/Insurgency, and Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad
Hawkgirl/Prime, Hawkgirl/Blackest Night, Hawkgirl/Earth 2, and Hawkgirl/Regime
Killer Croc
Killer Croc/Arkham
Killer Frost
Killer Frost/Prime, and Killer Frost/Regime
Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor/Prime, Lex Luthor/Insurgency, and Lex Luthor/Krypto
Lobo/Prime, and Lobo/Bounty Hunter
Martian Manhunter
Martian Manhunter/Prime, and Martian Manhunter/Blackest Night
Nightwing/Prime, Nightwing/Batman Ninja, Nightwing/New 52, and Nightwing/Regime
Raven/Prime, Raven/Rebirth, Raven/Regime, and Raven/Teen Titans
Scorpion/Klassic, Scorpion/Mortal Kombat, and Scorpion/Mortal Kombat X
Shazam/Prime, Shazam/New 52, and Shazam/Regime
Sinestro/Prime, Sinestro/Antimatter, Sinestro/Green Lantern, and Sinestro/Regime
Solomon Grundy
Solomon Grundy/Prime, Solomon Grundy/Boss, Solomon Grundy/Earth 2, Solomon Grundy/Red Son, and Solomon Grundy/Regime
Superman/Prime, Superman/Blackest Night, Superman/Dawn of Justice, Superman/Godfall, Superman/Injustice 2, Superman/Man of Steel, Superman/New 52, Superman/Prison, Superman/Red Son, and Superman/Regime
The Arkham Knight
The Arkham Knight/Arkham Knight
The Flash
The Flash/Prime, The Flash/Blackest Night, The Flash/Earth 2, The Flash/Elseworld, The Flash/Metahuman, The Flash/New 52, The Flash/Regime, Reverse Flash, and Wally West/Rebirth
The Joker
The Joker/Prime, The Joker/Arkham Origins, The Joker/Insurgency, The Joker/Suicide Squad, The Joker/The Killing Joke, The Joker Unhinged/Suicide Squad, Lord Joker/Batman Ninja, and The Batman Who Laughs/Metal
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman/Prime, Wonder Woman/600, Wonder Woman/Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman/New 52, Wonder Woman/Red Son, and Wonder Woman/Regime
Zod/Prime, and Zod/Man of Steel