Rarity | Base Stats | Price | Obtained From |
Gold | 1,450/1,250 | 491,000 | Achieving Top 5% In Online Battle Seasons, Nth Metal Ultimate Pack |
Deadshot/Arkham Origins has the unique ability to deal team damage with his basic attacks (light only) and both of his special attacks. His strong stats and unique light combo make him a formidable brawler. Furthermore, the tagged-out power drain assist he offers to Arkham allies help to dictate the fight on their terms. Bottom line: Arkham team or no Arkham team, this Deadshot knows how to keep his opponents suppressed under fire.
He cannot be unlocked and can only be obtained in limited quantities by ranking highly in his online season(s). Eliting him thus takes a long time and cannot be done with Power Credits.
Basic Attacks
Basic combo | Damage pattern (% of damage stat) | Total (including Combo Ender) |
Light (Combo Ender) | 2% - 2% - 2% - (3% - 3%) | 12% |
Heavy | 4% - 4% - 4% | 12% |
Deadshot's light combo is similar to Scorpion/Klassic's heavy combo: after hitting his opponent with a punch and a shot from his wrist cannon, by continuing to tap, there is a 50% chance to repeat those two hits again, and a 50% chance to do his 3rd hit, which is followed by his Combo Ender.
All attacks that fire bullets deal 20% Area Effect damage. This applies to the second hit of his light combo, the whole of his SP1, and the following hits of his SP2 after the first one. Despite the animation of his Super Move, where he also uses his firearms onto his opponent, it will NOT deal Area Effect damage at all (and neither does The Master's Death Cart shots even if applied during his attacks). This stacks with Area Effect damage from gear.
His area effect is considered to be an on-attack effect (similar to Darkseid/Apokolips or The Arkham Knight's SP2); unlike on-gear effects, it can still apply when the active opponent takes no damage from his attacks, either at 1 health with KO immunity (his SP1 can only KO the enemy in the last hit, or from passives of Shazam/New 52 and The Batman Who Laughs/Metal), or protected by Invulnerability (Green Lantern/John Stewart and Astro-Harness). In this case, Tantu Totem can still refund power back, even with area effect damage dealt. If the enemies evade or Blink his special attacks, or Superman/Injustice 2's passive negates them, no area affect is dealt.
When an Arkham teammate is attacking the opponent, the power drain assist from his electric round will drain roughly the equivalent of an unblocked Ground Sparks or Lance Blast, 1.5 bars of power, at every 10 second interval while he's tagged out. The electric bullet cannot knock out an opponent, despite the damage being displayed (power is still drained). The electrified round can fail to drain power if the target manages to tag out or use one of his/her specials as soon as it hits. If the laser starts pointing while either Deadshot's Arkham allies or enemies are using their special attacks, he will not fire until they have done so. The assist can be cancelled/reset if either his teammates or enemies switch out.
Any The Joker character equipped with Quake Engine is a great option to stall the opponents from tagging, effectively triggering the power drain assist. The Joker/Arkham Origins is the best choice for this, since he is also an Arkham character and Deadshot can assist him in combat, not to mention that power drain can save a fragile character like him from enemies' powerful special attacks.
Since his SP2 is multi-hit, Harley Quinn/Arkham is an amazing companion for him, granting impressive 50% Unblockable chance on SP2. And because his SP2 can be chained from The Master's Death Cart's tag-in shots, Harley Quinn can make those shots unblockable during the chaining, result in the rest of his special 2 land unblocked.
Deadshot's unique and potentially infinite light combo synergizes with gear granting unblockable chance on basic attacks (Soultaker Sword, Massive Sharpened Teeth, Custom Rifle). All it takes is one block breaker to begin the potentially endless light combo attack cycle. Also, since his light combo includes a shot from his wrist gun, he will benefit from basic damage boosting gear and gear that grants critical chance to basic attacks.
Both of Deadshot's specials deal multiple hits, so it's recommended to give him gear that grants either life drain or critical chance on either special attack. Furthermore, since both special attacks deal Area Effect damage, it's suggested giving him gear that boosts special attack damage. The Ibistick would be ideal, as it boosts both SP1 and SP2.
The Master's Death Cart, Fourth World Godly Mace and League of Assassins Adept Knives can provide additional area effect damage for his attacks, dealing massive damage to entire enemy team.
A classic setup for him being the main damage dealer in Online Battle consists of Tantu Totem, The Master's Death Cart and Astro-Harness granting power and crit for his SP2, as well as invulnerability for extra survivability.
Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Deadshot. Having a card that "counters" Deadshot does not mean it is always a good choice.
Good With
- Any Arkham characters as stated in his passive:
- Killer Croc/Arkham: His armor can absorb incoming damage and stall for time as Deadshot takes his time to fire a power-draining bullet at the current enemy.
- Harley Quinn/Arkham: She gives Deadshot a high unblockable chance on his SP2, allowing him to deal maximum team damage.
- The Arkham Knight/Arkham Knight: The two can form a team based around Area Effect damage. Plus, The Arkham Knight can benefit from Deadshot's power drain assist.
- The Joker/Arkham Origins: With the Quake Engine equipped, enemies will tag out less frequently, allowing Deadshot to drain power more often. Having less than 1 bar of power will also make that enemy take more damage from Joker's DOT and special attacks.
- Batgirl/Arkham Knight: She can rescue Deadshot once per match, allowing him to maximize the power draining off-screen assist from his passive.
- Bane/Arkham Origins: When Bane falls below 50% health, he can give Deadshot a bar of power, allowing him to use another special attack that can deal area damage.
- Lord Joker/Batman Ninja: Lord Joker adds +20% Area Effect Damage to his special attacks, meaning that the bullets from his special attacks would deal 40% Area Effect damage total. When combined with the League of Assassins Adept Knives (50% s1 AoE), his SP1 would do a staggering 90% of its damage to all tagged out opponents! His s1 cannot KO except for the last hit, but "overkill" hits to the main target, despite not being able to deal direct damage, can continue to damage tagged-out opponents for the whole special attack.
- The Flash/Regime: Flash aids with Deadshot's slow basic attacks, allowing him to inflict Area Effect from his basic attacks.
- Green Lantern/Regime: Green Lantern's fast power generation allows Deadshot to inflict Area Effect from his Special Attacks.
Good Against
- Any characters with health threshold passives.: They won't activate unless they are hit while in combat.
- Raven/Prime: If Deadshot can reduce her to 1 point of health or less enough, it would be easier to knock her out without triggering her deadly passive.
- Any characters with special/super activated passives: Deadshot's off-screen power drain assist can effectively hinder his opponents.
- Raven/Teen Titans, The Arkham Knight/Arkham Knight, and Scorpion/Mortal Kombat X etc.: The constant power drain can prevent them from using their Special Attacks, limiting their effectiveness.
- Shazam/Prime, and Aquaman/Regime: The constant power drain can prevent them from reaching their Super Move, greatly limiting their effectiveness.
- Fourth World Set: The constant power drain can prevent set users from activating their SP1, effectively stalling the 3/3 set property, arguably the strongest effect of the Fourth World Set.
- Characters and gears whose passive revolve around avoiding special attacks: Their evasion does not work while out of combat. Therefore, team damage is guaranteed to affect them.
- Batman/Dawn of Justice, and The Flash/Wally West Rebirth: Because of their special attack dodging.
- Superman/Injustice 2, and Astro-Harness: Because of their special attack immunity.
- Riddler's Staff, and Mother Box: Because of their blink effect.
- The Flash/Reverse Flash: Deadshot's special attacks can trigger Reverse Flash's passive while he is tagged-out, wasting his valuable and limited regeneration.
Countered By
- LexCorp Set: The power drain reverse will ensure that Deadshot helps the enemy by giving them power instead of draining it.
- Batman/Arkham Knight, Green Lantern/Red Lantern Hal Jordan, Static/Prime, and Lobo/Prime: Their power drain immunity makes the last part of his passive ineffective.
- Hawkgirl/Prime: Faster tagging allows her teammates to easily escape the electric round, sparing their power for later use.
- Brandished Ninjato: The redirection of the area effect damage towards the user is not only lessened greatly due to the damage absorb, but it also reduces the area effect damage on the user's teammates. The user will also gain large amounts of power if Deadshot uses a special move, due to the Brandished Ninjato converting area effect damage into power.
- The Flash/Blackest Night: He can evade Deadshot's basic attacks.
- Raven/Prime: Deadshot's lack of single, one-hit special attacks can make it very easy for him to trigger Raven's dangerous health swap.
Here are Deadshot's abilities.
Ability | Classification | Description | Usage |
Target Acquired | First Special | Deadshot uses his dual wrist cannons to devastate his opponent. | Target |
Bullet Hell | Second Special | Deadshot uses all his weaponry to unleash a storm of bullets at the enemy. | Quick tap, Target |
Assassin's Code | Super Move | Deadshot shows why he is one of the most deadly assassins around. UNBLOCKABLE. | Tap |
Arkham Origins Deadshot is the ONLY characters in the game whose special can be chained from BOTH of his basic attacks, which is is his SP1, Target Acquired. He can also chain his heavy basics into his SP2, Bullet Hell. Deadshot/Suicide Squad can also do the same for SP1, albeit only when using heavy basic attacks.
Both of his special attacks are fully ranged (except the first hit of SP2, which has medium range), allowing him to chain them from The Master's Death Cart's tag-in shots.
Strangely, like with Batgirl/Arkham Knight's SP2, Deadshot has a chance to miss his sniper rifle shots completely, negating the Area Effect damage and also other effects that might be attached to it, even if he is in point blank range.
Support Cards and Gear
Here are Deadshot's support cards and gear.
Card | Classification | Description | Cost |
Friendly Rivalry | Health | 10% HEALTH BOOST. | 9,000 |
Uncanny Marksmanship | Damage | 10% DAMAGE BOOST. | 12,000 |
Suicide Squad | Energy | 10% ENERGY REGENERATION. | 15,000 |
Balaclava (Deadshot's Ballistic Mask) | Gear |
8 - 18% DAMAGE BOOST to Special 1 [Deadshot] 15% - 25% POWERDRAIN chance on Special 2 [Evolved]: DISABLE enemy Specials: 15% - 25% chance on Special 1 |
25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading) |
These stats are the final damage and health levels at level 50, per Elite rank, with ALL support cards, and without any augmentations. With the 2.13 update, Elite 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Elite 10 damage and health levels are for level 60 characters. Numbers with a * after them may not be accurate, please allow for a discrepancy of '+1/-1' damage or health due to rounding inconsistencies in game code.
Tier | Damage | Health |
Normal | 11,353 | 18,225 |
Elite I | 17,030 | 27,337 |
Elite II | 22,707 | 36,450 |
Elite III | 34,061 | 54,675 |
Elite IV | 39,737 | 65,610 |
Elite V | 45,414 | 72,900 |
Elite VI | 51,091 | 82,013 |
Elite VII | 56,767 | 91,125 |
Elite VIII | 62,444 | 100,237 |
Elite IX | 68,121 | 109,350 |
Elite X | 80,160 | 140,400 |
- So far, Arkham Origins Deadshot is the only multiplayer exclusive Arkham character. (Most of them being Challenge Mode characters, Arkham Harley Quinn being a WBID unlock, Arkham Knight Batman being pack exclusive, and Arkham Origins Batman being readily available in the store.)
- Deadshot/Arkham Origins has the same base stats as Deadshot/Suicide Squad.