Damage is one of the two main stats in Injustice Mobile, along with Health. Damage is the statistic from which most of a character's damage dealt is calculated.
All characters have a base damage, which is their damage at level 1, without promotions and support cards. This ranges from 190 (Cyborg/Prime and Green Arrow/Insurgency) to 3,000 (Shazam/New 52).
In battle, damage is represented by text. Basic attacks and Super Move are displayed as white text, Special Attacks are displayed as yellow text, Crit attacks are displayed as red text, no matter what attack used, and reflected damage is purple (with a white-ish "force-field" surrounding the character representing a shield reflecting back the damage) while healing effects display a green text.
Increasing damage
This can be done by leveling and Promoting the character. At level 50 and elite VII, a gold card's damage would becomes 29 times of their base damage (x5.8 from leveling, x5 from promotions). This value is roughly 13.92 and 22 for bronze and silver cards respectively. Since cards can now be promoted to Elite X and Level 60, these values are likely more at these higher levels.
Support cards
All characters have unique support-enhancement cards bought with Power Credits to modify their damage stat (+10%). For example, Superman is affected by the Son of Krypton card, which increases his damage stat by 10%, while Lois Lane increases his health stat by 10% and Fortress of Solitude increases his energy regeneration by 10%.
Additionally, alliance support cards bought with Alliance Credits affect ALL characters. The damage alliance support cards include Tim Drake (+3%, 10 credits), Ravager (+4%, 20 credits), Starfire (+5%, 30 credits), Talia al Ghul (+6%, 40 credits), and The Spectre (+7%, 50 credits).
This adds up to a +35% damage total.
The 2.6 update introduced Survivor Mode, Gear Sets, and also the ability to enhance your character's base damage, health, Crit chance and Crit damage, thus allowing your character to become stronger then before. It is possible to raise your character's base damage stat by exactly 300 points, which also affects final stats. For example, a fully augmented Bane/Luchador will have the same final damage stat as a non-augmented The Joker Unhinged/Suicide Squad (whose damage stats are 1,100 and 1,400, respectively).
Damage stat
The damage stat of a character is shown on the card in light blue color with a fist symbol. The damage during battle can be affected by various character passives and/or gear effects, but this does not alter the damage stat.
The formula for current damage stat of a character is calculated as (only applicable for player-controlled characters):
(base + augment) × level multiplier × promotion multiplier × support card
(rounded down)
(For those multipliers, see level and promotion. See also: augment.)
For example, Flashpoint Batman at EX, level 60, fully augmented and all support cards collected (including Alliance Credit ones), his damage stat will be:
(1500 + 300) × 6.3 × 6.5 × 1.35 = 99508.5
, becoming 99508 after rounding.
How the damage stat is used
Without any other modifications, the damage of various attacks can be derived as a percentage of the damage stat.
Attack | Damage |
Light basic attack | 2% |
Combo Ender | 3%* |
Heavy basic attack | 4% |
Special 1 | 20% - 40% |
Special 2 | 60% - 120% |
Super Move | 150%^ |
Some characters, such as Raven and Killer Frost/Prime, have 4% combo enders, while Martian Manhunter/Prime and Darkseid/Apokolips have a base 2% combo ender that is further modified randomly by their passives.
Shazam/Prime's Super Move is only 30% of his damage stat, due to his passive.
For characters with 3- or 4-hit heavy combos, each hit deals 4% (with the exception of Killer Frost/Prime, who has a 4-hit heavy combo where the last two hits deal 2% each; and Scorpion/Mortal Kombat, who has a 4-hit heavy combo where the last hit deals 2%). Characters with 2-hit heavy combos (Shazam, Doomsday/Prime/Doomsday/Regime, Harley Quinn except for Harley Quinn/Arkham Knight and Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad, whom both have 4-hits of 4%) usually have their damage compensated to 5% + 7%, adding up to 12%, same as a 3-hit 4% combo but generating less power (with the exception of Scorpion/Mortal Kombat X, who has a 2-hit combo for 4% each only). The Arkham Knight is a unique case that does 6-hit heavy combos: 4% - 4% - 4% - 4% - 3% - 3%.
Special Attacks and Super Moves can be upgraded to increase their damage up to nine times . The first four upgrades increase the base damage by +10% each time, while the last five increase it by +5% each, for a total possible boost of +65%.
In Online Battle, if not accounting for any other effects, an unblocked Special 2 that reaches over 125% damage via mini-game will be more efficient at dealing damage than a Super Move with the same number of upgrades, while reaching over 187.5% will outright do more damage than a Super Move with the same number of upgrades.
In Standard Battle, reaching 166.7% on a Special 2 will be more efficient at dealing damage than the Super Move. Additionally, Specials produce more special effects than Super Moves do, and can synergize with gear while Supers do not. Also, it is more wasteful of power to opt for Supers over Specials, since the meter can only store up to 3 bars of it. However, due to the unblockable and mindless nature of Super Moves, they are still very popular in casual play.
Additionally, specials and Super Move can be upgraded by up to 9 times to increase their damage, +10% (of their own original damage, not as a percentage of the damage stat) for the first 4 times and +5% for the last 5 times, totaling +65%.
For example, Superman/Red Son has a base damage of 1000. Without considering the effects of any other characters on his team, the maximum damage of his super move is:
1000 * 29 * (1+35%) * 150% * (1+10%*4+5%*5) ≈ 96896
Damage increases due to passives do not affect the damage stat shown on the card.
Some characters and gears also provide damage boost to special attacks. The % damage boost is based on special's minimum damage, regardless players' performances on its mini-games. So if players achieve either 100% or 200% on the mini-game, the bonus boosted damage is still the same. It stacks with other sources of special attack damage boost. This is applied to all sources of SP damage boost, from specific special (e.g. Heart of Darkness, League of Assassins Adept Knives) to universal damage boost (e.g. Batman/Prime, Bag-o-Tricks).
Highest base damage
Position | Character(s) | Damage |
1 | Shazam/New 52 | 3,000 |
2 | Catwoman/Batman Ninja | 2,900 |
3 | Nightwing/Batman Ninja | 2,850 |
4 | The Batman Who Laughs/Metal | 2,800 |
5 | The Merciless/Metal | 2,700 |
6 | Black Adam/New 52 | 2,600 |
7 | The Flash/Blackest Night, Batman/Flashpoint, & Lord Joker/Batman Ninja | 1,500 |
10 | Deadshot/Suicide Squad, & Deadshot/Arkham Origins | 1,450 |
12 | Aquaman/Injustice 2, Batman/Gaslight, The Joker Unhinged/Suicide Squad, Raven/Teen Titans, Scorpion/Klassic, Hal Jordan/Yellow Lantern, & Hawkgirl/Earth 2 | 1,400 |
Female characters
Female characters can benefit from Wonder Woman/600's passive, gaining +30% damage and power generation.
Position | Character(s) | Damage |
1 | Catwoman/Batman Ninja | 2,900 |
2 | Raven/Teen Titans, Hawkgirl/Earth 2 | 1,400 |
4 | Batgirl/Arkham Knight | 1,375 |
5 | Jessica Cruz/Rebirth | 1,325 |
6 | Wonder Woman/New 52, Raven/Rebirth, & Catwoman/Arkham Knight | 1,300 |
9 | Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad | 1,250 |
10 | Hawkgirl/Blackest Night | 1,240 |
11 | Catwoman/Ame-Comi | 1,200 |
Highest total base stats
- As of the 2.6 update, knockout blows (except the match-ending blow) do not have any accompanying damage text, and the text was also changed to be smaller.
- When Damage or Health stats exceed 9,999, they are represented with K for thousand, so 10,000 becomes 10K. This is always rounded down. Damage or healing pop ups during battle are not abbreviated.
- Batman/Arkham Origins in the final match of battle 49 (the second last battle of area 7) used to have the highest visible (i.e. non-Survivor or promotion effect) and permanent (i.e. non-challenge) damage stat in the game, at 70K (the 2808 damage from his heavy basic attacks suggests 70,200). He has since been overtaken by Superman/Blackest Night in battle 56 at 157K (the 3153 damage from his light basic attacks suggests 157,650). However, while The Flash/Wally West Rebirth before him has 154k damage stated on his card, his light basic attacks deal 5418 damage, which suggests a damage stat of 270,900.
- Survivor opponents from very high matches (usually depends on the characters' stats that the player is using and is scaled, although this usually happens around round 12) can hit over 200,000 with their special 1, suggesting a damage stat exceeding 300K, although they can have gear to modify their damage.