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Regime Black Adam
Rarity Base Stats Price Unlock
Gold 750/750 133,000 Available in Store, Gold Booster Pack
Passive Lightning Shield: When Black Adam tags in, he gains a shield that will DAMAGE the opponent if Black Adam is hit.

While the aura is active any SP used against him will have 2x damage reflected back at the attacker. Lasts for 3 hits.

Black Adam Regime is, in terms of pure stats, one of the weakest Gold cards, as he only has a combined stat total of 1500; however, he packs a devastating punch against opponents foolish enough to use a special 1 against his Lightning Shield.


Basic attacks[]

Basic combo Damage pattern (% of damage stat) Total (including Combo Ender)
Light (Combo Ender) 2% - 2% - 2% - (3%) 9%
Heavy 4% - 4% - 4% 12%


Black Adam passive

Black Adam's passive allows him to deal immense damage in retaliation.

Due to the devastating effect of his passive, Black Adam can effectively be played as a kamikaze card. If players can tag him in when the opponents have power to burn and let them use their special attacks, though Black Adam takes substantial damage, its just as bad, if not worse, for his opponents.

Double damage will only apply against special 1. Only 75% damage will be dealt against special 2s or supers, despite what the description says. Using specials against his shield will leave you with at least 1 health, while using basic attacks or a super on it can knock you out. Even if the hit knocks out Black Adam, if his shield was active, reflect damage will be dealt.

Attacks that receives 75% recoil:

Attacks that do not trigger his passive:

  • Enemy Reflect damage.
  • Fully reflected hits (e.g. Charged Disc).
  • Damage-Over-Time.
  • If they hit him while he is under Invulnerability, Blink, or performing his specials. An invulnerable opponent will still flinch if striking the shield with basic attacks, but will take no damage regardless of what they hit the shield with.
  • If Black Adam has Fourth World Godly Chest Plate and it causes him to take no damage from a basic attack, both combatants will still be staggered, but his passive is not consumed.
  • If Black Adam has Gingold Soda and it causes him to take no damage from a basic attack, Black Adam is staggered, his opponent is not, and his passive is not consumed.
  • If Black Adam has enough Damage reduction to reduce the incoming basic attack's damage to 0 or 1. In both cases, no recoil damage is dealt and passive is not consumed, and does not stagger his opponent.
  • If Black Adam is already at 1 health, and is hit by attacks that cannot deal a KO blow.

Regime Black Adam gained popularity after his passive was massively buffed. While he has the lowest combined base stats out of any gold card, tied with The Flash/Elseworld (not counting Doomsday/Containment since his passive grants a large amount of invisible stats), he is also readily available as he is the cheapest gold card to buy directly, again tied with Elseworld Flash, but with a much more practical passive, and does not require completion of a challenge to unlock. Also, the mechanics of his passive means he can deal significant damage without requiring investment into any gear or special upgrades to be effective.

His unorthodox damage source also makes him a good candidate for no blocking/specials Bonus Missions.

Red "boss" cards may use special 2s with 1 bar of power (e.g. Superman/Prison in Bonus Battle 6 can use Unstoppable, Freeze Breath or Heat Vision with just 1 bar), but Black Adam's passive will count them as special 1s.

Unlike Black Adam/New 52's passive, visually, Regime Black Adam's Lightning Shield always has 3 orbs orbiting him while it is active, no matter he has 1, 2, or 3 hits left on it.


Block gear is inefficient on him, since he needs to take damage to deal damage back. Health gear is a good alternative option, but don't take them unless you can use the other effects well. Depending on whether you want to use his s1 or s2, Bane's Venom Injection System or Superman/Cyborg/Martian Manhunter's health and heal on special gears goes well with him. His s2 damage is halved, meaning it only does 75% damage of his s1 per power bar, but can drain a lot of enemy power. The way it is spaced out of particularly useful; he can knock out an opponent who has very little health left with the first hit, while the rest hits and drains the next opponent before they have the chance to use a special on you.

Nekron's Scythe is one of the best gear options for him, as its Resurrect allows him to survive one knock out blow and still return damage from his passive. The Fourth World Set effect also has a resurrect, but is more lacklustre otherwise and requires 2 pieces.

While he has a standard basic attack combo, his Lightning Shield also gives him significant advantage in hand-to-hand combat. Therefore, a basic damage based build is possible. Black Adam is good paired with 2 "support" characters (at E0 and low stats while he is at high Elite; Hawkgirl/Prime and Batgirl/Cassandra Cain for example). Having the Overpowered 5-U-93-R and the Gauntlets of Azrael would allow him to heal his low-level companions efficiently, allowing them to forgo any heal gear.


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Black Adam. Having a card that "counters" Black Adam does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With[]

  • Hawkgirl/Prime: Her passive lets Black Adam tag in more often, thereby replenishing his Lightning Shield more frequently.
  • Batgirl/Cassandra Cain: Indirectly since she benefits a lot from Hawkgirl. Especially good when you don't have enough copies of her to elite - she can be very useful even at E0 with a DOT based build. With Hawkgirl, she can tag in, use a s1, then immediately tag out again, minimizing chances of retaliation and refreshing Black Adam's passive should he tag in.
  • Batman/Gaslight: Batman's passive will aid Black Adam's tag-in by summoning a swarm of bats, causing basic attacks to have a chance of missing. This may save the shield for enemy specials instead.

Good Against[]

  • Batman/Red Son: Unblockable special 1 means little to Black Adam as it would only mean huge damage reflected back to the aggressor, made worse by the fact that most Red Sons (Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy) have 1-hit special 1s.
  • Sinestro/Antimatter: As he mostly relies on continuous use of his sp1, Black Adam can inflict back twice the damage from him, plus, as Sinestro's passive causes his s1 to tag out opponents, Black Adam can recharge his shield to keep on dealing back damage to Sinestro.
  • The Arkham Knight, Batman/Flashpoint, Rebirth Jessica Cruz, The Flash/Metahuman: Any character with a powerful basic combo will still be interrupted by his Lightning Shield after every hit, which makes it difficult for them to knock him out in one combo like they could with many others. Notably, Metahuman Flash hits 3 times with every basic attack when his passive is active, but Black Adam's passive will only allow him to hit once before being interrupted.
  • Bane/Luchador, and The Flash/Earth 2: Even if they successfully stunned him, they would suffer a bigger consequence in using enhanced special attacks while his shield is up.
  • The Joker/The Killing Joke: If Black Adam can knock out The Joker and still have his Lightning Shield active, the opponents that tag in and fire off a special or their super move risk receiving substantial damage or even knocking themselves out (if they used their super move on Black Adam's Lightning Shield).
  • Deathstroke/Arkham Origins: If Deathstroke achieves 200% on his Point Blank special while Black Adam has his shield up, Deathstroke will take more critical damage than he gives, leaving him vulnerable for a KO.
  • Batgirl/Cassandra Cain: Her almighty one-hit, unblockable tag-in attack knocks off 25% of target's current health - but Black Adam's shield will reflect 75% of that damage back to her. This is especially debilitating when she is used as an unpromoted card.

Countered By[]

  • Raven/Prime: Black Adam's Lightning Shield can backfire on him as Raven can receive more damage from her own reflected specials, inevitably triggering her health swap, especially since reflected specials cannot knock out a character.
  • Any character who utilizes a multi-hit (more than three) special, especially one that deal DOT, since most of the damage will come from DOT rather than the hits itself, make the reflected damage negligible.
  • Enchantress Companion Card EVOLVED: If your character's special knocked out an opponent, and then your opponent's Black Adam tagged in, the three skulls from Enchantress Companion Card will immediately hit Black Adam. Its negligible damage (compared to a special) accompanied by its lifedrain effectively negates his passive, allowing you to immediately use a special on him without having to use three basic attack hits to break his passive first.
  • The Master's Death Cart: When a character tags in with MDC equipped, the low damage shots of the gear can use up his shield and leave Black Adam vulnerable to a special that the character can perform with their newly gained power.
  • Harley Quinn/Arkham Knight: If Harley is tagged out and Black Adam tags in, should her passive activate, she would use up his shield without damaging her team whatsoever.
  • Batman/Arkham Knight: On his unblocked SP2, the first 3 weak hits can consume all of the lightning orbs, leaving Black Adam vulnerable to the powerful last hit.
  • Characters and gears that can deal area effect damage: They can safely damage him when he is tagged out without having their attacks reflected.


Here are Black Adam's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Electric Burst First Special Black Adam unleashes a burst of raw electricity to shock his opponent. Rapid Tap
Black Magic Second Special Ancient magics are unleashed by Black Adam, striking his foe. DRAINS OPPONENT'S POWER. Rapid Swipe
Teth-Adam Super Move Black Adam calls upon his ancient power to deliver a lightning-infused beatdown. UNBLOCKABLE. Tap

Support Cards and Gear[]

Here are Black Adam's support cards and gear.

Card Classification Description Cost
Isis Health 10% HEALTH BOOST. 6,000
Shazam Damage 10% DAMAGE BOOST. 8,000
Kahndaq Energy 10% ENERGY REGENERATION. 10,000
Kahndaq Garb (Kahndaq Royal Garb) Gear

12% - 22% MAX HEALTH increase

[Black Adam] 20% - 30% LIFEDRAIN chance on Special 1

[EVOLVED] 20% - 30% CRIT chance on Special 1

25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading)


These stats are the final damage and health levels at level 50, per Elite rank, with ALL support cards, and without any augmentations. With the 2.13 update, Elite 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Elite 10 damage and health levels are for level 60 characters. Numbers with a * after them may not be accurate, please allow for a discrepancy of '+1/-1' damage or health due to rounding inconsistencies in game code.

Tier Damage Health
Normal 5,872 10,935
Elite I 8,809 16,402
Elite II 11,745 21,870
Elite III 17,618 32,805
Elite IV 20,554 39,366
Elite V 23,490 43,740
Elite VI 26,426 49,207
Elite VII 29,362 54,675
Elite VIII 32,299 60,142
Elite IX 35,235 65,610
Elite X 41,462 84,240


  • RED/BOSS version of him from Bonus Battle 6 in Standard Battle has a special that resembles the "Lightning Bomb" from the console game; furthermore, only him, along with Doomsday/Regime and Sinestro/Regime have an additional Special Attack unusable by players.
  • Even if he doesn't attack during a match, if he manages to reflect back damage from an attacker, it will register as his damage dealt in the end results of the match. The same can be said for his Black Adam/Prime counterpart.
    • In a way, the same case can be applied for both The Joker/Prime and The Joker/Insurgency, if they did not deal any damage from attacking, but instead dealing a percentage of the opponent's Health when they are KO'ed.
Aquaman/Prime, Aquaman/Flashpoint, Aquaman/Injustice 2, and Aquaman/Regime
Ares/Prime, Ares/Regime, and The Merciless/Metal
Bane/Prime, Bane/Arkham Origins, Bane/Knightfall, Bane/Luchador, and Bane/Regime
Batgirl/Prime, Batgirl/Arkham Knight, and Batgirl/Cassandra Cain
Batman/Prime, Batman/Arkham Knight, Batman/Arkham Origins, Batman/Batman Ninja, Batman/Beyond, Batman/Blackest Night, Batman/Dawn of Justice, Batman/Flashpoint, Batman/Gaslight, Batman/Insurgency, Batman/Red Son, and Batman/Beyond Animated
Black Adam
Black Adam/Prime, Black Adam/Kahndaq, Black Adam/New 52, and Black Adam/Regime
Catwoman/Prime, Catwoman/Ame-Comi, Catwoman/Arkham Knight, Catwoman/Batman Ninja, Catwoman/Batman Returns, and Catwoman/Regime
Cyborg/Prime, Cyborg/Regime, and Cyborg/Teen Titans
Darkseid/Prime, and Darkseid/Apokolips
Deadshot/Arkham Origins, and Deadshot/Suicide Squad
Deathstroke/Prime, Deathstroke/Arkham Origins, Deathstroke/Flashpoint, Deathstroke/Insurgency, and Deathstroke/Red Son
Doomsday/Prime, Doomsday/Blackest Night, Doomsday/Containment, and Doomsday/Regime
Green Arrow
Green Arrow/Prime, Green Arrow/Arrow, Green Arrow/Insurgency, and Green Arrow/Rebirth
Green Lantern
Green Lantern/Prime, Green Lantern/John Stewart, Green Lantern/New 52, Green Lantern/Red Son, Green Lantern/Regime, Green Lantern/Red Lantern Hal Jordan, Green Lantern/Yellow Lantern Hal Jordan, and Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz Rebirth
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn/Prime, Harley Quinn/Animated, Harley Quinn/Arkham, Harley Quinn/Arkham Knight, Harley Quinn/Insurgency, and Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad
Hawkgirl/Prime, Hawkgirl/Blackest Night, Hawkgirl/Earth 2, and Hawkgirl/Regime
Killer Croc
Killer Croc/Arkham
Killer Frost
Killer Frost/Prime, and Killer Frost/Regime
Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor/Prime, Lex Luthor/Insurgency, and Lex Luthor/Krypto
Lobo/Prime, and Lobo/Bounty Hunter
Martian Manhunter
Martian Manhunter/Prime, and Martian Manhunter/Blackest Night
Nightwing/Prime, Nightwing/Batman Ninja, Nightwing/New 52, and Nightwing/Regime
Raven/Prime, Raven/Rebirth, Raven/Regime, and Raven/Teen Titans
Scorpion/Klassic, Scorpion/Mortal Kombat, and Scorpion/Mortal Kombat X
Shazam/Prime, Shazam/New 52, and Shazam/Regime
Sinestro/Prime, Sinestro/Antimatter, Sinestro/Green Lantern, and Sinestro/Regime
Solomon Grundy
Solomon Grundy/Prime, Solomon Grundy/Boss, Solomon Grundy/Earth 2, Solomon Grundy/Red Son, and Solomon Grundy/Regime
Superman/Prime, Superman/Blackest Night, Superman/Dawn of Justice, Superman/Godfall, Superman/Injustice 2, Superman/Man of Steel, Superman/New 52, Superman/Prison, Superman/Red Son, and Superman/Regime
The Arkham Knight
The Arkham Knight/Arkham Knight
The Flash
The Flash/Prime, The Flash/Blackest Night, The Flash/Earth 2, The Flash/Elseworld, The Flash/Metahuman, The Flash/New 52, The Flash/Regime, Reverse Flash, and Wally West/Rebirth
The Joker
The Joker/Prime, The Joker/Arkham Origins, The Joker/Insurgency, The Joker/Suicide Squad, The Joker/The Killing Joke, The Joker Unhinged/Suicide Squad, Lord Joker/Batman Ninja, and The Batman Who Laughs/Metal
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman/Prime, Wonder Woman/600, Wonder Woman/Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman/New 52, Wonder Woman/Red Son, and Wonder Woman/Regime
Zod/Prime, and Zod/Man of Steel