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Not to be confused with Batman/Beyond Animated.
Batman - Beyond (HD)
Rarity Base Stats Price Obtained From
Gold 850/900 174,000 WBID Unlock, Eternal Enemies Batman v. Joker Pack, Batman Animated Pack, Phantom Zone reward (Veteran)
Passive Future Batsuit: Batman Beyond is IMMUNE to STUN.

Batman Beyond can only be unlocked with the console game. Players are required to "Complete the MET all transitions challenge online in the Injustice: Gods Among Us console edition". Otherwise, he was previously able to be randomly obtained through the Dawn of Justice Gold Pack, Dawn of Justice Premium Pack, Suicide Squad Gold Pack and Wally West Gold Pack as well, although this did not unlock him for direct promotions. The aforementioned packs are no longer available in the game. He is able to randomly be obtained in the Eternal Enemies Batman v. Joker Pack, although this is not a permanent pack in the store.


Basic Attacks[]

Basic combo Damage pattern (% of damage stat) Total (including Combo Ender)
Light (Combo Ender) 2% - 2% - 2% - (3%) 9%
Heavy 4% - 4% - 4% 12%

His heavy combo is quite fast and smooth like all other Batman characters, making it easy to juggle.


Batman Beyond has a passive providing STUN immunity. His passive is generally only helpful if players were caught off guard or their fingers slipped, but can be especially effective against unblockable stuns, such as Bane/Luchador's incredibly dangerous tag-in stun, or Martian Manhunter/Prime's random stun thanks to his gear offering chance for unblockable basic attacks, and even the newly added Batman/Dawn of Justice's passive that lets him evade and stun the opponent when they use specials!

However, Batman Beyond is very unpopular due to the console game requirement to have him unlocked, as well as his painfully low base stats. He is also rendered completely obsolete by Green Lantern/Red Son, who is not only immune to stuns, but also immune to crits, takes 20% less special damage, and extends this protection to all Red Son teammates, which also includes a stronger Batman, Batman/Red Son, and finally, has 250 more base health.

Batman Beyond Special 2

Batman activates his special 2.

Even for the fans of Batman Beyond, Batman/Beyond Animated offers a far more practical alternative and is even truer to the show in terms of physical design.


Batman can find some niche uses with his SP1. It can apply DOT from gears like The Ibistick and shatter gear with Claw of Horus 2 times with just a single usage. Combined with The Master's Death Cart can make him a good supporter, being able to inflict massive DOT damage and disable all of enemy gears per tag-in with his ranged SP1. His stun on SP1 can help other characters like The Flash/Earth 2 trigger their passives.

His heavy combo is very good for juggling, so basic attack gears are also good on him. Cloak of Destiny can empower his attacks after stunning the enemy with his SP1, especially basic attacks.


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Batman. Having a card that "counters" Batman does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With[]

Good Against[]

  • Any characters and/or gears whom deal Stun damage, such as Cyborg and Batman.
    • Bane/Luchador and The Flash/Earth 2: Their notoriety comes from their unblockable stuns (with The Flash sharing his with fellow Earth 2 teammates). Batman's stun immunity lowers their threat level against him.
  • Cloak of Destiny: Stun is practically impossible on Batman Beyond, which is a very simple way to deal with this gear, as it's massive damage boost would be practically disabled, lowering the effectiveness of the Cloak.

Countered By[]

  • Batgirl: All 3 versions of Batgirl have a small stun at the beginning on their special 1, which is not negated by Batman's passive and can deal increased damage if equipped with Cloak of Destiny.
  • Batman/Batman Ninja: Same with Batgirl, but with Batman's SP2 instead.
  • Green Arrow/Prime, and Green Arrow/Arrow: Both of these Green Arrows have a FREEZE arrow that can still immobilize Batman, leaving him vulnerable to unblocked attacks.


Here are Batman's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Explosive Batarang First Special Batman uses twin batarangs to strike his opponent down. CHANCE TO STUN. Target
Tricky Bat Second Special Batman uses his mastery of deception to launch attacks both near and far. Rapid Swipe, Quick tap
The Dark Knight Super Move Batman uses everything at his disposal to decimate his opponent. UNBLOCKABLE. Tap

Support Cards and Gear[]

Here are Batman's support cards and gear.

Card Classification Description Cost
Alfred Health 10% HEALTH BOOST. 9,000
Oracle Damage 10% DAMAGE BOOST. 12,000
Batcave Energy 10% ENERGY REGENERATION. 15,000
Bulletproof Batsuit (Silicon Carbide Batsuit) Gear

12% - 22% MAX HEALTH increase

[Batman] CRIT BOOST: 30% - 50% more damage on CRIT attacks

[Evolved]: Disable enemy's special: 15% - 25% chance on Special 1

25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading)
The Batmobile (Militarized Batmobile) Gear

15% - 25% MAX HEALTH increase

[Batman] 10% - 20% Super Move Damage Increase

[EVOLVED] [Batman] 100% AREA EFFECT: opponent's team takes 20% - 25% damage from your Supermove

[EVOLVED] [Batman] 100% 3 - 5 seconds invulnerability after your Supermove is activated

25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading)
Batman's Hooded Cloak (Batman's Cowl) Gear

8% - 18% MAX HEALTH increase

[Batman] 20% - 40% Stun chance on Tag-in

[Evolved] DISABLE enemy Specials: 20% - 40% on Special 2

25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading)
Sengoku Helmet (Batman Ninja Helmet) Gear

20% - 40% MAX HEALTH increase

For every 5% of available POWER, damage received is reduced by 1% - 2.3%.

[Batman] For every 10% of available POWER, CRIT chance is increased by 1% - 3%.

[EVOLVED] 25% - 50% chance to resist POWER DRAIN

25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading)


These stats are the final damage and health levels at level 50, per Elite rank, with ALL support cards, and without any augmentations. With the 2.13 update, Elite 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Elite 10 damage and health levels are for level 60 characters. Numbers with a * after them may not be accurate, please allow for a discrepancy of '+1/-1' damage or health due to rounding inconsistencies in game code.

Tier Damage Health
Normal 6,656 13,122
Elite I 9,983 19,683
Elite II 13,311 26,244
Elite III 19,967 39,366
Elite IV 23,294 47,239
Elite V 26,622 52,488
Elite VI 29,950 59,049
Elite VII 33,277 65,610
Elite VIII 36,605 72,171
Elite IX 39,933 78,732
Elite X 46,990 101,088


  • Batman Beyond, along with Batman/Beyond Animated, are unique in which the Batmobile in their super move is changed to a futuristic rocket car.
  • Batman Beyond's real name is Terry McGinnis.
    • However, this specific Batman Beyond is not the classic Terry McGinnis, rather this is Bruce Wayne in the prototype Beyond suit before gifting it to Terry.
Batmobile Beyond

Batmobile Beyond.
