Injustice Mobile Wiki
Injustice Mobile Wiki
Rarity Base Stats Price Unlock
Gold 1,400/1,400 479,000 Challenge Mode, Injustice 2 Aquaman Pack, Injustice 2 Promo Pack, Holiday Booster Pack, Injustice 2 Premium Pack, Ultimate Bundle Bringers Of Justice, Aquaman Celebration Pack
Passive Atlantean Tactics: When Aquaman does any SP he rinses any DOT off him and puts it on his opponent with the effect doubled.

Injustice 2 Aquaman is not a card to be overlooked; with a very high damage and highest total base stat in the game (tied with Batman/Batman Ninja, Batman/Flashpoint, Batman/Gaslight, Lord Joker/Batman Ninja, Superman/Blackest Night, Superman/Injustice 2, Superman/New 52, and The Flash/Blackest Night). He boasts a cunning passive that can reverse the tide against DOT specialists.


Basic Attacks

Basic Combo Damage Pattern (% of damage stat) Total (including Combo Ender)
Light (Combo Ender) 2% - 2% - 2% - 2% - (3%) 11%
Heavy 4% - 4% - 4% 12%

Aquaman has a unique light combo, it consists of 4 hits before the combo ender, opposed to the usual 3 hits.


When Aquaman uses a special, he removes all damage over time effects on himself and applies it to his opponent with the damage doubled. This is done at the beginning of his special.

Not many teams encountered are built around DOT, so Aquaman's passive might prove situational. Aquaman will effectively return it with the doubling effect of his passive and the multiplier effect of his bleed if he uses his SP1.

His tremendously high stats and/or his own DOT with the bleed on his SP1 may thus be what he should primarily be geared/partnered in mind with. An SP1 build lets him fire off specials more, with bleed damage and 20% increased incoming damage debuff coming at the cost of half the power of the special; whenever you do want to take advantage of his passive, the SP1 would be the special of choice.

When inflicting or reversing DOT is not what you care to do, Aquaman's SP2 invests his power on the front end.

Besides countering the Ibistick, Aquaman can also effectively use it. It increases his power generation, puts a DOT on the opponent that scales to their health and that the bleed of his SP1 multiplies, and increases the power of both of his specials, this boost being well-paired with his SP2.

Damage over time dealing a % of the target's maximum health (e.g. The Ibistick's burn, Darkseid/Apokolips's bleed) will continue to deal damage according to Aquaman's max health when reversed.

Effects that are always present when tagged in (LexCorp Set's 3-piece effect, Solomon Grundy/Earth 2's passive) are unaffected by Atlantean Tactics.

When Injustice 2 Aquaman reverses and doubles a DOT effect, it will sometimes inherit the original DoT's unique effects. If Catwoman/Arkham Knight's DoTs are reversed, it will also continue to damage Aquaman's opponent even if they are tagged out. On the other hand, when Lobo/Bounty Hunter's burn is reversed, Aquaman's opponent will not be snared.

If DOT triggers Invulnerability on Aquaman, the DOT is still on him even if it is not dealing damage; he can still remove it and put it on his opponent.

Previously, if the last hit of Aquaman's special attacks KO's an opponent, the next opponent will receive the reversed DOT instead. This cannot be done anymore as the reversal happens at the very beginning of the special attack's usage.

Catwoman/Batman Returns's passive will not increase the reversed DOT. However, it does work against her passive, meaning Aquaman can double the effect which her passive already doubled.


Aquaman is a powerful DOT counter, but he is also excellent at using them. DOT gears such as The Ibistick is great on him, especially his SP1 because of its bleed. The Quake Engine is able to magnify the effect of his DOT and passive. Heart of Darkness increases his power generation, boosts his SP2, and offers its own DOT. Tantu Totem is a powerful gear for both of his specials, providing one SP1 per tag-in, or magnify his powerful multi-hit SP2 with crit chance and power refund on KO, allowing him to clear an entire team with a barrage of SP2.


Please note that battles are highly situational: this section only mentions cards that have mechanics that, for any reason, are particularly effective with/against, or particularly ineffective against Aquaman. Having a card that "counters" Aquaman does not mean it is always a good choice.

Good With

  • Hawkgirl/Prime: She is a classic partner to battle against and work with DOT-based characters, as she can trap them in place upon tag in (so they won't be able to tag out, thus DOT's effect will stay on them). Combined with Aquaman/Injustice 2, she also makes an amazingly versatile anti-DOT combination.
  • Catwoman/Batman Returns: Although Catwoman can increase the bleed DOT from his SP1, she cannot increase the DOT from his passive.
  • Claw of Horus: His SP1 inflicts DoT and whatever DoT happens to Aquaman, he can rinse them off and turn them onto his opponent with double the effect. This would more than likely encourage the current opponent to tag out, thus granting Aquaman a damage boost. On top of that, it would allow Aquaman to shatter opponents' gear.
  • The Ibistick: Aquaman already has a highly effective DOT passive, so with the use of his SP1 in particular, his bleed significantly multiplies as well as combine with the DOT from this gear. In addition, it increases his power generation, as well as the damage of both of his specials, this boost being well-paired with his SP2.
  • Heart of Darkness: A synergistic all-round gear, it grants Aquaman increased power generation, a damage boost to his strong SP2, a power-draining DOT, and damages the opponent scaling to Aquaman's high damage stat if they tag-out. This last effect works very well with the Claw of Horus, especially since his reflected DOTs encourage the opponent to tag out.
  • Quake Engine: Aquaman's powerful DOT can reapply on enemies and possibly be further multiplied using this gear.
  • Wonder Woman/New 52: Her special attacks give Aquaman power.
  • Green Lantern/Regime: Green Lantern gives Aquaman an increase to his power generation, allowing him to throw back any DOT damage more frequently.

Good Against

Countered By

  • Batman/Arkham Knight: He can choose to have DOT immunity which can counter Aquaman's SP1 bleed as well as the reflect.
  • Killer Frost/Prime and Solomon Grundy/Earth 2: They can slow down Aquaman's power generation which will give him less opportunities to use a special attack.
  • Any Power drain characters (Nightwing, Lex Luthor, Black Adam/Kahndaq, etc): Aquaman cannot reverse DOT damage without using a special attack, so power drainers can keep the DOT damage on Aquaman without the risk of him returning it.
  • Hawkgirl/Regime: She can disable Aquaman's special attacks upon tag-in.
  • Hawkgirl/Prime: She allows for everyone on her team to tag-in and tag-out faster, making it easier to rinse off DOT effects.
  • Aquaman/Injustice 2: A possible yet orthodox choice, if Aquaman is facing against himself, this can cause a storm-wide effects of reversed DOT debuffs to rage back and forth.
  • The Flash/Blackest Night: If Aquaman uses his special attacks on Blackest Night characters while suffering from DOT, Atlantean Tactics will double the resulting DOT's effect, giving them huge amounts of health and power, especially DOT from gears as they deal damage based on opponent's health.
  • Raven/Prime: DOT will inevitably trigger her deadly health swap.


Here are Aquaman's abilities.

Ability Classification Description Usage
Trident Toss First Special Aquaman launches his Trident. BLEED: Deals DAMAGE-OVER-TIME. Target
The Oceanic Depths Second Special Aquaman unleashes a frontal attack using his trident and finishes with a sneaky strike from below. Rapid Swipe (5%),
Meter Burn
Atlantean Rage Super Move Call forth the mightiest predator of the oceans. UNBLOCKABLE. Tap

His heavy combo can be chained into his SP2 “The Oceanic Depths”, albeit it is very tricky to achieve it - if not timed correctly (used very quickly after his heavy combo, not delaying for a split-second) either the opponent stands up automatically blocking or the first 2 hits of his SP2 don’t hit the opponent at all.

Support Cards and Gear

Here are Aquaman's support cards and gear.

Card Classification Description Cost
Throne of Atlantis Health 10% HEALTH BOOST. 3,000
Poseidon's Trident Damage 10% DAMAGE BOOST. 4,000
Armies of Atlantis Energy 10% ENERGY REGENERATION. 5,000
Atlantean Polearm (Trident Of Poseidon) Gear

8% - 18% Damage boost to Special 2

[Aquaman] 100% AREA EFFECT: opponent's team takes 15% - 25% damage from Special 1

[EVOLVED] 15% - 25% stun chance on Special 2

25,000 - 1,000,000 (upgrading)


These stats are the final damage and health levels at level 50, per Elite rank, with ALL support cards, and without any augmentations. With the 2.13 update, Elite 8, 9, and 10 have been added. The Elite 10 damage and health levels are for level 60 characters. Numbers with a * after them may not be accurate, please allow for a discrepancy of '+1/-1' damage or health due to rounding inconsistencies in game code.

Tier Damage Health
Normal 10,962 20,412
Elite I 16,443 30,618
Elite II 21,924 40,824
Elite III 32,886 61,236
Elite IV 38,367 73,483
Elite V 43,848 81,648
Elite VI 49,329 91,854
Elite VII 54,810 102,060
Elite VIII 60,291 112,266
Elite IX 65,772 122,472
Elite X 77,395 157,248


Preceded by Title Succeeded by
Wonder Woman/Justice League Highest base Damage Deadshot/Suicide Squad
Aquaman/Prime, Aquaman/Flashpoint, Aquaman/Injustice 2, and Aquaman/Regime
Ares/Prime, Ares/Regime, and The Merciless/Metal
Bane/Prime, Bane/Arkham Origins, Bane/Knightfall, Bane/Luchador, and Bane/Regime
Batgirl/Prime, Batgirl/Arkham Knight, and Batgirl/Cassandra Cain
Batman/Prime, Batman/Arkham Knight, Batman/Arkham Origins, Batman/Batman Ninja, Batman/Beyond, Batman/Blackest Night, Batman/Dawn of Justice, Batman/Flashpoint, Batman/Gaslight, Batman/Insurgency, Batman/Red Son, and Batman/Beyond Animated
Black Adam
Black Adam/Prime, Black Adam/Kahndaq, Black Adam/New 52, and Black Adam/Regime
Catwoman/Prime, Catwoman/Ame-Comi, Catwoman/Arkham Knight, Catwoman/Batman Ninja, Catwoman/Batman Returns, and Catwoman/Regime
Cyborg/Prime, Cyborg/Regime, and Cyborg/Teen Titans
Darkseid/Prime, and Darkseid/Apokolips
Deadshot/Arkham Origins, and Deadshot/Suicide Squad
Deathstroke/Prime, Deathstroke/Arkham Origins, Deathstroke/Flashpoint, Deathstroke/Insurgency, and Deathstroke/Red Son
Doomsday/Prime, Doomsday/Blackest Night, Doomsday/Containment, and Doomsday/Regime
Green Arrow
Green Arrow/Prime, Green Arrow/Arrow, Green Arrow/Insurgency, and Green Arrow/Rebirth
Green Lantern
Green Lantern/Prime, Green Lantern/John Stewart, Green Lantern/New 52, Green Lantern/Red Son, Green Lantern/Regime, Green Lantern/Red Lantern Hal Jordan, Green Lantern/Yellow Lantern Hal Jordan, and Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz Rebirth
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn/Prime, Harley Quinn/Animated, Harley Quinn/Arkham, Harley Quinn/Arkham Knight, Harley Quinn/Insurgency, and Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad
Hawkgirl/Prime, Hawkgirl/Blackest Night, Hawkgirl/Earth 2, and Hawkgirl/Regime
Killer Croc
Killer Croc/Arkham
Killer Frost
Killer Frost/Prime, and Killer Frost/Regime
Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor/Prime, Lex Luthor/Insurgency, and Lex Luthor/Krypto
Lobo/Prime, and Lobo/Bounty Hunter
Martian Manhunter
Martian Manhunter/Prime, and Martian Manhunter/Blackest Night
Nightwing/Prime, Nightwing/Batman Ninja, Nightwing/New 52, and Nightwing/Regime
Raven/Prime, Raven/Rebirth, Raven/Regime, and Raven/Teen Titans
Scorpion/Klassic, Scorpion/Mortal Kombat, and Scorpion/Mortal Kombat X
Shazam/Prime, Shazam/New 52, and Shazam/Regime
Sinestro/Prime, Sinestro/Antimatter, Sinestro/Green Lantern, and Sinestro/Regime
Solomon Grundy
Solomon Grundy/Prime, Solomon Grundy/Boss, Solomon Grundy/Earth 2, Solomon Grundy/Red Son, and Solomon Grundy/Regime
Superman/Prime, Superman/Blackest Night, Superman/Dawn of Justice, Superman/Godfall, Superman/Injustice 2, Superman/Man of Steel, Superman/New 52, Superman/Prison, Superman/Red Son, and Superman/Regime
The Arkham Knight
The Arkham Knight/Arkham Knight
The Flash
The Flash/Prime, The Flash/Blackest Night, The Flash/Earth 2, The Flash/Elseworld, The Flash/Metahuman, The Flash/New 52, The Flash/Regime, Reverse Flash, and Wally West/Rebirth
The Joker
The Joker/Prime, The Joker/Arkham Origins, The Joker/Insurgency, The Joker/Suicide Squad, The Joker/The Killing Joke, The Joker Unhinged/Suicide Squad, Lord Joker/Batman Ninja, and The Batman Who Laughs/Metal
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman/Prime, Wonder Woman/600, Wonder Woman/Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman/New 52, Wonder Woman/Red Son, and Wonder Woman/Regime
Zod/Prime, and Zod/Man of Steel